
How to ensure funding for maternal health during COVID-19

Nigeria’s young population and a fast pandemic response contributed to a relatively low number of people infected with COVID-19. With an estimated 27 million people, Lagos State government has worked…

Sharing E4A-MamaYe’s tools as Global Public Goods for health

As donors, governments, and communities strive to deliver Universal Health Coverage, it is important to share experiences and tools as we try to find ways of advancing health sector accountability.…

MamaYe! Africa Collective launches strategic plan at event on strengthening primary health care delivery and accountability

Watch the recording of our event on strengthening primary health care delivery and accountability in Nigeria with the Nigeria National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) and Nigeria UHC…

Taking stock on locally led advocacy: Snapshot of Bungoma

In August 2022, Kenya conducted its elections at national and sub-national level. The outcome of this process means that the advocacy efforts coalitions have been engaging in at sub-national level…

Let’s Talk! Conversations with advocates across Africa

Collaborative advocacy between civil society organisations, media and governments has led to actions for better health for girls, women and newborns. In this blog, we share parts of a dynamic…

Action Now! How to influence leaders to deliver HealthForAll

Advocacy campaigns can accelerate action towards change. Campaigns bring problems and their solutions to the attention of those who hold power to resolve the issue. Bungoma Reproductive, Maternal,…

Breaking the ice: Coalitions & Governments having dialogue

Unlike advocacy where civil society advocates position themselves ‘against’ government, our approaches focus on building a culture of accountability through continuous dialogue between civil society…

Advocates picking up action points from MPDSR Committees

Maternal Perinatal Deaths Surveillance & Response (MPDSR) is a key process in many health systems. David Odhiambo is the chair of the Maternal & Newborn Health (MNH) Coalition of Kenya, an…

Inadequate health data affecting the voice of young people

Young persons in Nigeria are often excluded from the nation’s health and developmental policy-making processes and programs. From issues on gender mainstreaming to equity and inclusion; young people…

Giving voice to Kenyan and Nigerian heroes on UHC day

On Universal Health Care (UHC) day, E4A-MamaYe amplifies the voices of coalitions of advocates. These advocates are true heroes who despite challenges posed by the pandemic, confronted decision…

Politics & Advocacy: Prioritising Maternal Health Care

Achieving health for all by 2030 remains the focus of governments and health advocates around the world, especially in this last decade. With only 10 years left to achieve the Sustainable Development…

Championing increased accountability during the COVID-19 era

Media is a powerful ally for civil society organisations advocating for improved health outcomes of women and their babies. In this blog, E4A-MamaYe county advisors in Nairobi and Bungoma, George and…

#StrongerwithPHC: Reflecting on the Astana Commitments

On 26th October 2020, the world marked the second anniversary of the Astana Declaration. This is a key milestone to reflect on global leaders’ commitment to invest in primary health care (PHC)…

4 takeaways for the next generation of MNH advocates

Grassroots civil society organisations (CSOs) play a central role in improving the health of mothers and babies. Empowering them with advocacy skills to influence decision-makers in government to…

How data can save someone’s mother, partner, friend or child

Unfortunately, every year many of the women and children who die are lost due to preventable causes. These are someone’s mother, partner, child, parent, friend. Their lives should not have ended if…

Keeping the promise: Three steps for mothers & babies health

The 2019 United Nations High Level Meeting on Universal Healthcare (UHC) during the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York presented the ideal stage for political leaders to translate their bold…

Youth are the driving force that can help achieve SDG3

In this last piece from our youth blog series, Magnifique, a doctor specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology, explains why youth must be involved in the GFF if we are to meet the challenging…

Why youth need a place at the GFF table

Our blog series on youth advocates engaged in the GFF continues with Massita, a sexual and reproductive health ambassador from Burkina Faso. During the first E4A-MamaYe GFF CSO Senegal workshop in…

CSOs and the budget process, building on last year's success

As the budget process for 2019/2020 begins to take shape, we look back at 2018, when engagement between CSOs, the county health management team and county government legislative arm resulted in an…

Informed and prepared: Young people and the GFF

Aminata is a Senegalese lawyer working on gender and human rights in Senegal. In this blog, she sets out her strategy, which she believes will ensure the effective participation of youth in the GFF.

Hearing from young voices engaged with the GFF - Blog series

The Global Financing Facility is a financing mechanism for Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Adolescent Health and Nutrition. With youth accounting for a third of the world’s population, they are…

Getting to know the GFF – Our workshop in Senegal

In October 2018, E4A-MamaYe brought together French speaking civil society from across Africa to share experiences and knowledge around the Global Financing Facility (GFF).

Rapprocher le GFF et la société civile d'Afrique francophone

E4A-MamaYe initie aujourd’hui, au nom du Groupe mondial de coordination de la société civile pour le GFF, et en collaboration avec la Coalition des organisations de la société civile, un atelier de…

Bringing the GFF to civil society in Francophone Africa

Today, E4A-MamaYe, on behalf of the Global Civil Society Coordinating Group on the GFF, and in collaboration with the Coalition for Civil Society Organisations in Senegal, starts a three-day workshop…

Supporting Civil Society in implementing the GFF in Nigeria

At E4A–MamaYe, we actively work with CSOs in Nigeria to strengthen their capacity to engage meaningfully in the implementation of the Global Financing Facility (the GFF).

Accelerating Accountability of the GFF implementation

In Kenya, E4A-Mama Ye has supported CSOs to produce the first scorecard measuring the country’s progress on the Global Financing Facility (GFF) implementation.

#JazaShelves – a campaign for FP commodity security

Family Planning is central to achieving gender equality everywhere. With access to FP commodities, and by having the choice to decide if and when to have children, women and girls can be empowered…

Calling on governments to #FundNaijaHealth

The #FundNaijaHealth campaign is calling on government to release all appropriated health allocations on time, as this will enhance access to the health care that citizens, particularly mothers and…

#ESAK2018 – Time to discuss social accountability in Kenya

We are getting ready for the ‘Enhancing Social Accountability in Kenya Health Sector’ conference on 14th-15th March 2018. More than 150 participants will join the event at the AMREF Health Africa…

Urgent need for maternal and newborn health in the media

MamaYe continues to push for good representation of maternal and newborn health (MNH) reporting in the news.

More funds for health in Bungoma

The 8th of August 2017 was a historic day for Kenya. Kenyans participated in their second ever general election since the promulgation of the 2010 constitution on August 8 to elect their political…

Transparency and advocacy in Health Budgets

Dedication. Commitment. Spirit of inclusion. Desire to see effective and efficient service delivery in the health sector. These are just some of the few terms to describe the recent results of the…

MamaYe Activists raise MK 1 million towards a new ambulance

The Chikangawa Health Centre in Mzimba district has received a donation of MK 1 million from Kawandama Hills Company to acquire an ambulance.

AHBN becomes 'Africa led and Africa based'

Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) and E4A-MamaYe are delighted to announce that the secretariat of AHBN has moved to Nigeria where the AHBN Coordinator, Aminu Magashi Garba is located.

'Whatever your Political Colours' campaign launches

A new campaign, “Whatever your political colours” has been launched to urge political leaders to prioritise maternal and newborn health.

Want to save a Mama and baby’s life? Here is what you can do

Available statistics from the Tanzanian Ministry of Health show that at least 556 women die every year in Tanzania due to pregnancy and childbirth related complications.

Partnering together to mobilise blood donors

Every year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD). The event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and to thank blood donors for their life-…

Strengthening GFF implementation in Kenya

Sarah Fox, Technical Specialist at E4A, presented the Global GFF Civil Society Engagement Strategy which provides a useful framework for identifying the unique value of civil society in achieving the…

SMS: a tool for activists to raise their voices

The introduction of SMS in the campaign has helped E4A-MamaYe Malawi in engaging the activists across all the three regions of Mzimba, Rumphi and Nkhata Bay.

Rumphi District to implement its health sector plan

MamaYe Malawi has been supporting Rumphi district in participating in the budget transparency and accountability process through a series of assessments.

Spotlight on a health budget advocate: Victor Lansana Koroma

This month's spotlight: Victor Lansana Koroma, the Executive Director of Health Alert, a civil society organisation in Sierra Leone that advocates to improve the health of women and children.

MamaYe Malawi Signs Off In Style

MamaYe Malawi put up an impressive display during the dissemination event recently held at Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe as the campaign draws to a close after five years.

Sierra Leone makes progress to end malaria for good

Sierra Leone was amongst the countries that commemorated World Malaria Day (WMD) on April 25th, 2017. The global theme for this year’s is “End Malaria for Good.”

What influences maternal and newborn survival?

Zariyatu Abubakar founded Wildan Care Foundation in 2008. Her experience about pregnancy and giving birth inspired her decision to found an organisation that takes care of pregnant women and newborns…

GFF meetings in Nairobi: “We have to move as a team to take forward civil society’s message"

Civil society plays an essential role in ensuring global discussions are informed by local realities, and the needs of the women, children, and adolescents that the GFF aims to support.

CSOs play a key role in reducing maternal mortality

The District Medical Officer (DMO) in Koinadugu District Dr. Francis Moses has stated that Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the district are playing a leading role in supporting the District…

The Nairobi training: Six countries, diverse experiences

The AHBN training was intense and provided unique opportunities for sharing experiences from the six participating African nations. It helped build capacity of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in…

International Day for Maternal Health and Rights in Malawi

Improving Maternal Health in Malawi Through Health Financing, Accountability and Health Rights.

Get ready Africa, we are training health budget advocates

Esther Agbon met with health budget advocates from six countries in Africa – Senegal, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Nigeria, Kenya and Tanzania; working to strengthen their ability to carry out effective…

Community Mobilisation for maternal and newborn health

The MamaYe campaign is gradually becoming a movement of people taking action to help improve the lives of pregnant women and newborns in their communities. This story shows how people connect for…

MamaYe Day 2017: Making The Health Budget Work for Nigeria

The commemoration of the MamaYe Day 2017 focused on the effect that the continued paltry budget allocation to health has on maternal and newborn health care services.

Spotlight on a health budget advocate - Joyce Ng'ang'a

Joyce Ng’ang’a is a Policy and Advocacy Program Officer at WACI Health - An African region advocacy organization based in Nairobi. Read her story.

What works in health budget accountability?

Earlier this month, Sarah Fox, E4A Health Financing Specialist, spent two days at the PHC Expenditure and Budget Advocacy Consultation convened by PAI in South Africa. Read about her key take aways…

MamaYe training journalists on Maternal and Newborn Health

Across Nigeria, journalists are publishing reports that are re-shaping maternal and newborn health issues. We contribute to their efforts through trainings that can make their reporting more…

How is advocacy making the government respond to MNH issues?

More people are taking action to demand maternal and newborn health rights from the government.

MamaYe motivates the media for improved MNH reporting

At MamaYe, we encourage everyone to take actions that will improve maternal and newborn health. We also recognise the contributions of those who have been taking actions but who were not expecting…

Progress for Primary Health Care Under One Roof

A robust primary health care (PHC) system has been described as important to achieving Universal Health Coverage, but we cannot stop at that. This is why MamaYe is working towards implementing policy…

The 1st female commissioner in Bauchi State aks for change

As we celebrate the International Women's Day 2017, Dr Hannatu Ibrahim shares her experiences.

I Am Bold For Change As I Just Do It

Mamaye interviewed Juliana Lunguzi, Member of Parliament for Dedza East and the chairperson for Parliamentary Committee of Health in commemoration of International Women’s Day under the theme #…

Fearless and courageous for the women of Nigeria

Let's meet Esther Agbon, Health Finance and Advocacy advisor for the E4A - MamaYe programme in Nigeria where she leads on the analysis of health budgets and on how to make them easy to be…

Meet Claudia Temple - MamaYe Super Activist, Sierra Leone

On International Women's Day we meet MamaYe Super Activist Claudia Temple

Bold for Change on International Women's Day

E4A-MamaYe is delighted to work with women who are doing a remarkably bold job in advocating for the well-being of pregnant mothers.

Why TBAs are advocating for skilled birth attendants

Why are traditional Birth Attendants making money from delivering pregnant women of their babies, but referring their 'customers' to the hospital?

Photostory: Collaboration on maternal and newborn health

We have positively and successfully rallied civil society organisations to join the MamaYe movement.

How can we make health clinics safe for pregnant women?

A group in Bauchi State is giving hope to families and communities.

Mama Ye! celebrates radio journalists

Celebrating the journalists in Tanzania on World Radio Day.

FIT scorecard and improving maternal health care services

The FIT scorecard is an eye-opener for advocacy for improved maternal health care services

Radio - A partner in maternal health survival

Radio has always played a very important role in informing the public on health matters - In Malawi Radio is a source of information on maternal health.

Iyaloja of Lagos champions advocacy for mothers and newborns

Iyaloja is rallying millions of market women towards improving maternal and newborn health in Lagos State.

MamaYe lights up Ningi community in Bauchi!

MamaYe was welcomed with cultural music to the palace of the Emir of Ningi during the MamaYe Community Launch event, which marks the beginning of the official MamaYe campaign in a chosen community.

Time for a 'Girls' Takeover

Chiku Lweno-Aboud shares advocacy highlights for the International Day of Girls 2016 in Tanzania.

Allocate 10% of Sierra Leone's National Health budget to sexual and reproductive health

This press release from the Budget Advocacy Working Group asks the Government of Sierra Leone to invest in sexual reproductive health drugs and commodities.

Health budget advocacy yields 33% increase in allocated budget

MamaYe trained district councillors in northern Malawi in health budget advocacy. We are starting to see some results in how funds are being allocated with a 33% increase in allocated budget in…

Listening to our activists in Malawi

Our activists shared their stories during our MamaYe! Super Activists Orientation Meetings in Mzimba, Rumphi and Nkhata bay districts.

How to build skills in budget advocacy

Esther Agbon from MamaYe Nigeria shares her experience and passion for budget advocacy with the White Ribbon Alliance in Tanzania.

Budget padding is one thing, its performance is another!

In this age where the call for accountability of health budget is rising, we monitor health budgeting process to reveal the areas where policy makers must improve their performances to ensure justice…

Can investigative journalism help achieve change for MNH?

While investigative journalism has helped redress public office affairs at different levels, we want to see if it can help unraveling the reasons our government is not fulfilling ITS pregnant women…

Coalition Partners join HBA National Accountability meeting

The Maternal and Newborn Health Coalition Partners are gearing up for the MamaYe Health Budget Advocacy National Accountability Meeting to be held in Lilongwe in August.

Visualising data can stimulate action

In a world oversaturated with data, static pie charts and line graphs are no longer sufficient – we need tools which marry data visualisation with the latest evidence.

#ValueOurHealth Campaign! Ministry of Health 2016/2017 Budget Short of 8% To Meet Abuja Declaration

Stakeholders and a network of CSOs including opposition political parties call on Government to consider revising upward the Health Sector Budget allocation.

Midwives partnering with journalists for stronger advocacy

Informed journalists are the best advocates for ensuring all groups in societies support safe deliveries in the hands of the midwives in Tanzania.

Little hope on Maternal and Newborn Health in Malawi

Parliament started meeting in Lilongwe on Friday for a 2016/2017 budget meeting barely touching upon the improvement of survival of mothers and babies in the country.

MamaYe leaves Abiye, but the legacy continues!

We had a glorious moment recounting working with policy makers and community people in Ondo State to decrease maternal and newborn mortality.

AHBN Reporter Recently in Washington DC

Kenny Simbaya from the Africa Health Budget Network reports from Washington and the launch of the #ValueOurHealth campaign on budget transparency and participation for better health spending on women…

Using pupils to save lives of mothers and babies in Mchinji

MamaYe clubs such as Pitala MamaYe School Club share evidence and information with mothers and fellow pupils and advocate for better quality care for mothers and babies.

MamaYe featured in workshop to increase RMNCH services

The creative MamaYe campaign design on reproductive, neonatal, maternal and child health (RMNCH) was mentioned as one of the maternal health and child health campaigns in Sierra Leone.

MamaYe partners Media Trust on maternal and newborn health

MamaYe has strengthened its partnership with media houses to improve coverage and delivery of evidence-supported maternal and newborn health in the news.

Calling on politicians to increase health sector budget

So, as the mid-term budget review meeting of the 46th session of parliament is underway in the Capital Lilongwe, we are calling on parliamentarians to consider revising upward the health sector…

E4A shares assets with MamaYe Koinadugu advocacy group

We’re thrilled that MamaYe activists in Koinadugu district are working to establish a MamaYe community based organisation. E4A team in Freetown held a one day capacity building workshop for the…

Lessons from Bauchi: Media,civil society and decision making

Barrister Mohammed A. Abubakar proposed 15% of the State's total budget to health after Bauchi's media and civil society long term efforts of revealing the evidence.

President Koroma commits to reduce maternal mortality

President Ernest Koroma declared maternal and child health a National Health Emergency at the State Opening of Parliament on 11 December 2015.

A Thank You from Evidence for Action-MamaYe!

A thank you for your partnership with Options Sierra Leone and the Evidence for Action MamaYe campaign programme after a pivotal year for Sierra Leone and the global health agenda.

Heroes and Heroines Celebration in Bonthe and Koinadugu

We recently awarded MamaYe champions in Bonthe and Koinadugu districts with certificates of appreciation for their services to mothers and babies.

Partners adopt MamaYe evidence toolkit

We recently hosted a capacity building workshop to orientate our close partners on how to use the MamaYe branding guidelines and evidence package.

Opening Nigeria's score on Open Budget Index

It will interest you to know how Nigeria fares when it comes to transparency and inclusiveness in budget and its implementation. This is an eye-opener. What Nigeria scores over 100 shows what the…

How MamaYe uses design to catalyse change

MamaYe's new book 'Evidence Identity Design Engagement' sets out a selection of creative assets and describes how evidence-based design can catalyse change.

20 Journalists Sign MoU with MamaYe, Promising to Champion Mothers and Babies

MamaYe media close-out sessions brought together 20 editors and health reporters in Bonthe and Koinadugu. In the end participants signed a MoU with MamaYe as a commitment to continue reporting on…

MamaYe Youths

Mamaye aims to educate young people on MNH issues and employ them with skills to successful advocatec in their communities.

Youth-activists saving the day for maternal, newborn health

We are glad that we have provided the platform for young people to demand their health rights and contribute to policies that will enhance the quality of their family lives.

Student challenges politician on maternal, newborn health

Read the Winner of MamaYe's essay competition. We believe Hadiza's story set the health agenda for the Bauchi State's governor, Mohammed A. Abubakar.

Make mothers and babies a priority

Chiku Lweno-Aboud urges Member of Parliament candidates in Tanzania to address the issue of maternal and newborn mortality by suggesting concrete strategies and policies.

Health group appeals to Bauchi government

BaSAM calls for more midwives and to implement the Drug Revolving Fund, and MamaYe youth activists are awarded for their contribution!

Budgeting: Zero vs Incremental method

What you need to know about zero-based budgeting in Nigeria and its implication for the Ministry of Health.

Health Experts Speak On Buhari's Proposed Ministers

Curious about the implication of not having a health minister to run the ministry of health? This story sheds light on the question and possible direction for health development in Nigeria once a…

MamaYe presents evidence for action to radio audience

From a live radio debate, find out if the Government of Sierra Leone is doing enough to prevent pregnant women from dying.

MamaYe Media Engagement in Koinadugu and Bonthe

Journalists participate in media trainings to understand and accurately report MNH issues to save the lives of mothers and babies.

Increase Spending on Maternal and Newborn Health

Sahr Dumbar Matturi reports in the Standard Times newspaper about financing for maternal and newborn health. You can read his article here.

WASH-Net and WaterAid Build the Capacity of Community Stakeholders on Rights-Based Approaches

WASH-Net and WaterAid recently conducted a rights-based approach training workshop for community stakeholders in holding decision makers to account on the provision of water and sanitation services.

Anyimadu-Antwi, the MP supporting maternal health

A Member of Parliament has repaired a defective ambulance in a bid to reduce maternal and newborn deaths in Ashanti.

A short profile of the Paediatric Society of Ghana

Learn about the PSG, a member of the Evidence for Action Maternal and Newborn Health Professional Society.

MamaYe Ghana appeals to doctors

MamaYe! Advocacy Coalition called on leaders to end the doctors' strike for the sake of mothers and babies.

Steady-Bongo takes the lead

Lansana Sheriff, popularly known as Steady-Bongo, commits to promoting the MamaYe campaign with a song about maternal and newborn survival.

Setting health agenda for new Bauchi government

Just so we don't keep complaining that the government is not carrying out its responsibilities when we have not seen it as our responsibility to help government be on the right and informed path.

Tanzanian citizens speak out at World Health Assembly

This is historic! This is ground breaking! declared Richard Horton when opening the first ever global dialogue between citizens and governments to be held at the World Health Assembly. Tanzania was…

Young People Take Safe Clinic Messages to Market Women

Young people have taken the lead in disseminating safe clinic messages to market women in Matru Jong, Bonthe District.

MNH Coalition stops National Health Partners Summit

Members of the MamaYe Advocacy Coalition momentarily stopped the 2015 Summit to demand game-changing interventions for preventable maternal and newborn deaths.

Senior Chief Kaomba Says 21

Senior Chief is advocating for the minimum marriage age to be 21 years in Kasungu.

Group advocates for free maternal and child health bill

The free MNCH bill, if signed and institutionalised, is capable of relieving families the burden of the costs of health facility-based child delivery and encourage women to attend antenatal care…

Ondo State youths stand up for mothers and babies!

More youth efforts gathering voices and opinions to make maternal and newborn health a priority in the coming political dispensation.

ISODEC empowers citizens to demand quality health services

Citizens in five districts in Northern and Upper East Region can now demand better health care delivery by texting their concerns of poor health service delivery to the authorities.

In Bauchi, youths stand up for mothers and babies

Seminar by MamaYe! Nigeria on maternal and newborn survival state accountability engaged students and lectures from different institutions.

Act NOW to save thousands of babies losing their lives

Taking up the cause for our babies survival in 2015.

More MamaYe clubs inaugurated in Ashanti

St. Mary’s Girls Senior High School, Kwamang Secondary School and the Beposo Islamic Secondary Schools have joined the MamaYe family.

The U-Report project - Raising Youth Voices in Sierra Leone

A new social monitoring tool to strengthen community-led development and citizen engagement supported by UNICEF.

Using mobile phones for health related messages

Dr Judy Gold provides her top three ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ around using mobile phones for health messaging.

Facing the Giants: the MamaYe Clubs' activists take action

With the introduction of the MamaYe Clubs in the districts, the biggest question has been: Can students, who have never been pregnant, educate women on issue of pregnancy and childbirth?

Abiye joins MamaYe!'s accountability mechanism to save lives

Accountability in the handling of maternal and newborn health issues is fast becoming a national tool that transparent policy makers are willing and ready to embrace.

Biking for mothers and babies

“Every journey starts with a step “so they say.

Under-five survival hangs on newborn survival!

Nigeria muscles up against under-five mortality at the newborns health experts’ National Newborn Conference in Abuja.

Students ACT in the Fight Against Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Medical Students’ Association embarked on an Ebola house to house awareness campaign called ‘KickEbolaOut’ which started in August.

Let's mobilize political support for maternal and newborn health - First Lady

Ghana’s First lady has urged other African First Ladies to work tirelessly to reduce maternal and newborn mortality.

Local Media Championing Mothers and Babies Survival

The partnership with the Union of Tanzanian Press Clubs (UTPC) is exciting - and it has the potential to tell every Tanzanian why they need to take action for out mothers and babies.

MamaYe activists saving lives in Mangochi

Activism is for newborn babies and pregnant women is real in Malawi. Check out what activists are doing in TA Nankumba in saving the lives of mothers and babies.

What value does your life hold?

You wouldn’t be alone if you thought that understanding global health financing is a little outside of your comfort zone. But underneath all those figures, is a story of how governments,…

Winning for maternal and newborn health - the AMHiN award for journalists

The Accountability Mechanism for Maternal and Newborn Health (AMHiN) Media Award is for journalists who entered their published stories in the investigative story competition. 2nd edition is now open.

Lessons on breastfeeding for mothers and women

Inverted nipples can make breastfeeding a difficult experience for both a new mother and her newborn, and this could prevent the opportunity of exclusive breastfeeding. Here's all you need to…

We need an African voice on health budgets

Today, we work as MamaYe directors to save mothers and babies’ lives by raising expectations of survival, working to ensure decision-makers have access to good evidence, and mobilising a grass-roots…

Bonthe Hospital gets supply of electricity

In his opening speech to community advocates, the Mayor of the Bonthe Municipality committed to facilitating the supply of electricity tothe Bonthe Government hospital in 48 hours. He kept his…

Newborns deserve our attention now

Each year, 5.5 million babies enter and leave the world without being recorded and one in three newborns—over 45 million babies—do not have a birth certificate by their first birthday. This is the…

Student4Change Mobile Project

These students in Freetown want safe water for all mothers and babies across Sierra Leone. They managed to get over 500 signatures to call on policy makers to make safe water available for all mamas…

Health is Wealth Right?

a blog: Health is wealth – this means literally, when a person or a people are healthy, they are able to be proactive in their life choices.

Manifesto for Maternal Health: In-country perspective from the White Ribbon Alliance Tanzania

Throughout my career as a midwife, I am all too familiar with the challenge of women arriving too late to the hospital to give birth. It is so heart breaking to know that these women’s lives could be…

"Jogging Our Memory" - When Students ACT for Change

Student4Change Mobile Project go to Goderich and KrooBay Community Health Centres in Freetown meet community members, facilitating dialogue on safe clinics - particularly safe water and good…

Are we crossing the bridge to saving lives?

MamaYe Nigeria and MamaYe in London are strengthening the bridge that carries a life saving change for mothers and babies. The bridge is made of evidence-based advocacy, accountability and activists…

Kasungu MamaYe Clubs Invade Chisazima

It was a joyous day as students of Kapiri Primary and Chilanga Secondary Schools of Mawango Village and Mlangali Village respectfully came together in Chisazima village ready to show off what they…

Working together for our newborns: the Ending Newborn Deaths report

We know that the quality of care available for women needs to improve. That’s why Save the Children has identified this agenda based around essential interventions around birth, that a properly-…

The exciting world of data for decision-making

Improved data for decision-making is one of the MamaYe team’s key aims. Sounds a bit dull, doesn’t it? All those statistics and data and numbers. But it absolutely isn’t dull. Behind every one of…

Health Budget Advocacy: What has been achieved so far?

Health Budget Advocacy: What has been achieved so far to ensure a sustained increase in allocation of funds to health sector in Sierra Leone.

MamaYe Coalition Petitions Management of Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital

As members of the public, we were left in a state of shock when we heard that the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) has recorded 1,130 maternal deaths between 2005 and June 2013. This unfortunate…

Ghana's MPs pledge to support pregnant mothers and babies

Some Members of Parliament (MPs) in Ghana have pledged their support towards working to increase maternal and newborn survival in Ghana. The MPs made the pledge at a meeting with the MamaYe Advocacy…

The role of teachers in reducing maternal mortality

This is the story of Magdalene Mbando, a retired teacher who has helped to shape the lives of Malawian teenagers for 39 years. Teachers in Malawi have the opportunity to help improve maternal health…

MamaYe Communications/Advocacy teams meet in Accra

MamaYe! Ghana has hosted communications and advocacy activists from Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Malawi and Tanzania as part of the international MamaYe Campaign, a multi-year programme, which aims to…

How I could have saved a mother's life with my pen

If a report on the number of women and children who die daily in all the local governments of the federation due to leadership negligence can be gathered, the nation should be in perpetual mourning…

Ghana drafts Action Plan to end neonatal deaths

Ghana is drafting an action plan that will help end preventable deaths among newborn babies. Dubbed “Every Newborn”, the plan will focus on newborn health and identify actions for improving their…

Nigerian government underspends on our health

In 2001, President Obasanjo promised to spend 15% of Nigeria’s total annual budget on health. In 2013, only 5.6% of the budget is being spent on health, and that number has been decreasing every year…

Why Tanzania needs more voluntary blood donors to save mothers and babies

Tanzanian national estimates based on WHO data project that 80% of blood donated is used for maternal and paediatric patients. View these infographics to understand how donating blood can save the…

The Gift of Life 95 Times

Desmond Lewis, fondly referred to as Tiger, is the highest blood donor in Sierra Leone having donated 95 times. This World Blood Donor day marks his 25th year of blood donation and his commitment to…

Voluntary Blood Donors Ask for Recognition

The Voluntary Blood Donors Association in Sierra Leone are currently calling on government through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to kindly recognize services and contributions blood donors…

Parliamentarian Pledges More for Mothers and Babies

Honorable Hanna Bundu - a registered state nurse, Member of Parliament constituency 61 and representative of the Parliamentary Health Committee - pledged her support to mothers and babies at the…

Kao Denero Joins MamaYe to Save Lives

Leading hip hop artist and peace ambassador with a massive youth following, Kao Denero joins the MamaYe campaign in support of raising awareness around issues of maternal and newborn health in Sierra…

The Media Matters

MamaYe acknowledges the important role the media can play in engaging wide spread conversations around women’s access to safe clinics, more use of safe health clinics and more funding required…

2,000 mothers, 15,500 babies could be saved

MamaYe Ghana is calling on the Minister for Health, to urgently address the shortfall in the number of midwives needed to help Ghanaian mothers deliver safely.

Tanzania needs midwives now more than ever

We need midwives now more than ever before. Today is a day to shine the light on and celebrate the honourable service provided by Tanzanian midwives to our communities, while also highlight the gaps…

Giving blood to save a mama

More than a thousand young Tanzanians had gathered to donate blood to save mothers and newborns. Altogether a remarkable event. A demonstration of selfless dedication and commitment by young people…

What has Tanzania's Government pledged?

What has the Tanzanian government pledged to do to save the lives of our mothers and babies? Here's an overview of some of the public pledges.