Meet Claudia Temple - MamaYe Super Activist, Sierra Leone

  • Claudia Temple
    Claudia Temple
On International Women's Day we meet MamaYe Super Activist Claudia Temple

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

This year the official theme is ‘Be Bold for Change’ and MamaYe Sierra Leone recognises Claudia Temple for her bold contributions in promoting mothers and babies’ healthcare in Sierra Leone.

She is one of the women who is not only advocating for better health care service delivery  for women in this small West African country, she has been raising funds and donate medical items to health facilities in the country to support  the work of the Government through her organisation African Health Initiative Inc.

Ebola outbreak

During the Ebola outbreak, Claudia was among the few Sierra Leonean women who raised funds to support Ebola orphans who lost their parents to the virus.In addition she has launched a GoFundMe campaign currently raising funds to help disable mothers, pregnant women and their families at a deprived community in Freetown to enable them have decent accommodations and able to send their children to school.


Claudia has been following the MamaYe campaign since its inception in Sierra Leone and one of the active members in the MamaYe Sierra Leone WhattApp group. The MamaYe WhattApp group is a platform where MamaYe activists share stories and call for action through the social media for quality for mothers and babies health in Sierra Leone. 

Claudia's success

On International Women's Day Claudia has a strong message for everyone striving to make vital change:

Be bold because you make a difference, you're awesome.

As this day marks a day to celebrate women of excellence who have been bold and made a mark in transforming lives and societies through their actions, MamaYe Sierra Leone wants to use this day to say kudos to Claudia Temple for adding her voice and providing support in the course of better health for women and children in Sierra Leone.

It is no secret that Sierra Leone is still recorded as the country with one of the highest rates of infant and maternal mortality in the world with a maternal mortality ratio of 1,165 per 100,000 live births and under5 mortality at 156 per 1,000 live births.

These figures are unacceptable high.  Everyone has a voice to reduce the sad state of maternal mortality in the country. Because every child lives matter! A woman should not die while bringing another life. Feeling inspired by Claudia’s success? Today, MamaYe Sierra Leone calls on all of you to be bold for mothers and babies.

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