What's happening in Kenya
Over the last decade, Kenya has made real progress in improving reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health. More women survived childbirth, with the maternal mortality rate dropping from 488 to 342 deaths for every 100,000 live births.
But despite the many commitments made, an estimated 5,000 mothers and 28,911 newborns still die each year from preventable causes (as documented by the 2018 UNICEF estimates).
The nation aims to improve the chances of maternal survival by two thirds – as set out in the Kenya Vision 2030. To achieve this by 2030, leaders and communities must commit to investing the right resources in maternal and newborn health.
What’s more, Kenya’s population is young: 43% of people living there are under 15-years-old. Kenya’s Demographic Dividend Roadmap recognises that investing in adolescents would result in a healthier, more skillful, and educated future workforce.
What Mamaye is doing
Across Bungoma and Nairobi Counties, we’re helping civil society to influence better spending and policymaking for reproductive, maternal, newborn and adolescent health. We support civil society and Technical Working Groups to get the evidence they need to advocate for and generate political commitment on communities’ health needs.

Government spending on health as a % of total health expenditure
maternal deaths per 100,000 live births
of women have an unmet need for modern contraceptive