Former E4A-MamaYe Nigeria Country Director

What's happening in Nigeria
For every 100,000 live births in Nigeria, 917 women die. The country has the fourth-highest maternal mortality ratio in Africa. What’s more, a quarter of women don’t have access to the contraception they need.
Recognising this, the Federal Ministry of Health has set up a task-force to speed up the reduction of maternal deaths. It has also set a new target to increase funding for family planning services – from US $3million to US $4million, from 2018. Reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (also known as RMNCAH) is at the forefront of national and state health development plans. It is the focus of health investments into Nigeria, including those made through the Global Financing Facility.
What Mamaye is doing
We’re actively involved in federal and state ministries’ initiatives. At state level, we help bring together the government, the media and civil society to form State-Led Accountability Mechanisms (SLAMs). These are helping to improve governance and spending on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health.
Using scorecards, SLAMs monitor the progress of plans and budgets – and push for action where it’s needed.

of women have an unmet need for modern contraceptives
maternal deaths per 100,000 live births
Government spending on health as a % of total health expenditure

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Meet the Nigeria team