Mamaye is not currently active in Sierra Leone .
Sierra Leone has the highest maternal death rate in the world. We worked with the Ministry of Health to ensure they have the right evidence to address this – and make the changes needed to save women’s lives.
The FIT scorecard is an important part of the evidence used to help guide the Presidential Recovery Plans on health.
Dr Santigie Sesay,
Director of Reproductive and Child Health, Ministry of Health and Sanitation

What's happening in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone has one of the highest maternal mortality ratio in the world with 1,120 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, making it one of the most dangerous places to give birth.

To increase their chances of survival, all pregnant women and adolescents in Sierra Leone – including the poorest and hardest to reach – must have access to the care they need. This includes skilled birth attendants and safe clinics equipped to cope with emergencies during pregnancy and childbirth.

Recent crises such as Ebola revealed the challenges in maintaining even the most basic health services. More than ever, strengthening the accountability for these services is critical to improving the chances of survival for Sierra Leone’s mothers and newborns.

What Mamaye is doing

E4A-MamaYe was operational in Sierra Leone for 5 years (2012-2016) when we helped health authorities to identify resource gaps in maternal and newborn care. We did this through the Facility Improvement Team (FIT) assessments. The findings, summarised in scorecards using traffic light colours, served to highlight priorities for decision-makers and health planners.

of women have an unmet need for modern contraceptives

maternal deaths per 100,000 live births
Government spending on health as a % of total health expenditure

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