Welcome to our Global Public Goods Hub
One of the objectives of the E4A-MamaYe programme is to share expertise and knowledge developed through our proven approaches of improving evidence-informed advocacy and accountability. On this page, you will find training modules, knowledge products and tools, templates and guidance notes available for public use and consumption.

Community MPDSR (C-MPDSR) Tools
Community-MPDSR is a model that ensures maternal and perinatal deaths are identified, documented and audited regardless of the place of death – including those that occur at home, in transit to a health facility or at the facility. Our model has tools to support communities in the use of verbal and social autopsies to gather data on the root causes of death and develop actions to prevent future occurrences with a broader focus on gender, equality and social inclusion issues too.
Guide to Coalition Building- GESI Mainstreamed
This ‘Guide to Coalition building’ is designed for advocates to navigate through the complex journey of building and sustaining a coalition. This January 2023 update includes important considerations on Gender, Equality & Social Inclusion (GESI). It shares approaches and learnings gathered on the E4A-MamaYe project since its start in 2012 and insights from GESI mainstreaming in our work from 2022 by our teams in Nigeria and Kenya. This new update makes this an ideal resource for existing coalitions and those who want to form new ones ensuring important gender and social issues are considered.
LANGUAGES: EnglishKEY AREAS: Coalition building
Advocacy is a complicated process which requires significant adaptation and planning in order to be successful. This revised handbook provides an approach and various techniques to assist coalitions, civil society organisations and other stakeholders in performing gender transformative advocacy that fosters accountability, is evidence based, and responsive to the political economy context.
LANGUAGES: EnglishKEY AREAS: Packaging Evidence
This ‘Guide to Coalition building’ is designed for advocates to navigate through the complex journey of building and sustaining a coalition. It shares approaches and learnings gathered on the E4A-MamaYe project since its start in 2012 with insights provided by our teams in Nigeria and Kenya. It also provides linkages to existing methods and tools which have been developed by our project for coalitions to use independently. It is an important guide for existing coalitions and those who want to form new ones.
LANGUAGES: EnglishKEY AREAS: Coalition building
This Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) Action Tracker has been developed in response to stakeholder demand for a simple tool that enables users to keep track of actions emerging from MPDSR Committee meetings. The tool aims to make it easier for MPDSR Committee members analyse the problem that caused a maternal or perinatal death, and to specify a proposed action.
Health Budget Advocacy Toolbox
To influence how much money is spent on health services in your country, it is important to engage in the budget cycle. Throughout the budget cycle, it is possible for advocates to influence decisions on what funds are allocated to health priorities, how much is actually spent, and track whether more money actually results in better health.
LANGUAGES: EnglishKEY AREAS: Health Budget Advocacy
E4A-MamaYe Advocacy Handbook
E4A-MamaYe Advocacy Handbook provides an approach and various techniques to assist coalitions, civil society organisations and other stakeholders in performing advocacy that fosters accountability, is evidence based, and responsive to the political economy context.
LANGUAGES: EnglishKEY AREAS: Packaging Evidence