Our take on the issue
As E4A-MamaYe provides technical assistance to the coalitions of civil society to make progress against their transformation pathway, we have made available a pioneer 8 months seed grant amounting to GBP 6000 per coalition or State Led Accountability Mechanism (SLAM) in Kenya and Nigeria respectively. This seed grant will support them to advance their gender transformative advocacy initiatives to hold governments in their geographies to account for MNH commitments. As they advocate for more domestic investment and expenditure in MNH in their respective geographies, it is anticipated that such investments will go a long way to save the lives of mothers and babies.
What mamaye is doing
Since the coalitions started working formally together, we have supported them to develop their transformation pathways staggered into stages namely emergence, formation, coalescence, institutionalization, and finally transformation. The coalitions developed milestones against each stage for six domains categorized under governance structure, resourcing, data use, Political Economy Analysis, and gender transformative advocacy.