What's happening in Ethiopia
In Ethiopia, the Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) system collects and shares information on why women and newborns die during childbirth. This helps health facilities, along with regional and national health planners, to take action to prevent similar deaths from happening.
Learning from the MPDSR can support national and woreda planners to target health resources and improve the quality of care. This will help Ethiopia to meet the objectives of its Health Sector Transformation Plan.
What Mamaye is doing
As Evidence-For-Action (E4A), we worked with the Ethiopian government and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to strengthen the MPDSR system. We did this to ensure that no maternal or newborn death goes uncounted and so that learning from MPDSR results in action to save lives in the future.
The Ethiopian Minister of Health described the system as an initiative that is contributing to rapid health system improvements in the country.
MPDSR was documented as a “tool of change” in the Acting on the Call Best Practices Manual, which was handed out during the Summit in Addis Ababa in August 2017. The manual provides information about maternal death and showcases examples of good-practice responses across Ethiopia.