Strengthening GFF implementation in Kenya

Sarah Fox, Technical Specialist at E4A, presented the Global GFF Civil Society Engagement Strategy which provides a useful framework for identifying the unique value of civil society in achieving the goals of the GFF.

Strengthening accountability to ensure effective implementation of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) across Kenya was the key theme when the GFF Civil Society Core Group met for our two day retreat in Machakos County, Kenya. Together we developed a shared understanding of the GFF process and agreed on the role of the Civil Society Group going forwards.

The retreat, organised the 8th-9th of June, began by making the members of the group familiar with the progress relating to the GFF at the national and international level. Mike Mutungi, Chair of HENNET Board, and Angela Mutunga, one of the civil society representatives on the Investors Group, gave an update of the GFF Learning Meeting and the Investors Group Meeting in Washington DC in April.  Angela Nguku, WRA Kenya, also shared an update on the meeting held with Dr Omar, the GFF Focal Point at the Ministry of Health.

After setting the context, the next step was to begin to develop the role of the Core Group, particularly its role in strengthening accountability. Sarah Fox, Technical Specialist Evidence for Action, presented the Global GFF Civil Society Engagement Strategy which provides a useful framework for identifying the unique value of civil society in achieving the goals of the GFF. 

After much discussion, the group agreed to focus their efforts around three strategic areas: Advocacy, Accountability and Citizen Engagement with an additional cross-cutting area which aims to gather, document and present evidence on the added value of the CSO constituency in Kenya. Four Task Teams were established during the meeting to develop and lead the implementation of an action plan around these areas up to the end of 2017.Task Teams spent some time agreeing on key actions, timelines, roles and responsibilities so that by the end of the meeting they each had a draft action plan.

With a specific focus on accountability, members of the Group also discussed and agreed on the design and methodology for implementing the GFF Accountability Scorecard in Kenya.This scorecard will be finalised and taken forward by the Accountability Task Team in the coming months.

Again drawing on the Global GFF Civil Society Engagement Strategy, the group spent some time agreeing on the roles and responsibilities for each of the different CSO players and groups in Kenya. A draft TOR was developed which includes the roles of the HENNET Board, the HENNET Secretariat, the CSO Core Group and the CSO Representatives on the Country Platform.

By the end of a productive two days, participants succeeded in achieving the following:

  • Agreement on the four strategic areas to be taken forward, with Task Teams established to lead the process for each area;
  • A draft workplan structured around the four strategic areas, with timelines and deliverables identified;
  • A draft GFF Accountability Scorecard to be finalised and taken forward by the Accountability Task Team; and
  • A draft TOR for the key civil society groups engaged in the GFF in Kenya.

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