Coalition Partners join HBA National Accountability meeting

The Maternal and Newborn Health Coalition Partners are gearing up for the MamaYe Health Budget Advocacy National Accountability Meeting to be held in Lilongwe in August.

MamaYe Malawi is implementing the Health Budget Advocacy (HBA) in northern Malawi whose aim is to promote transparency and accountability in the disbursement and expenditure of the district health sector budget. Chatuluka, MamaYe Malawi Team Leader said;

We had done the data collection in the three districts that we are working. We have done dissemination of the first round of the HBA to the district councils. The district councils have owned the data and now we want to disseminate these results to the wider audience at the national level

So, on Wednesday, MamaYe Malawi convened the meeting with the MNH Coalition partners whose aim was to drum up support for the national accountability meeting.

Speaking during the meeting Coalition Partner representative from WaterAid Malawi Natasha Mwenda hailed MamaYe Malawi for the National Accountability Meeting said;

If you look at Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector, you would appreciate that the sector is being under funded. Now, how do we improve the survival of mothers and babies in the country when we don’t have clean water in our health facilities and communities?

The Coalition Partners have agreed to hold the National Accountability Meeting early August.

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