In July 2018, our Kenyan team launched the #JazaShelves – Fill up the shelves advocacy campaign. The campaign seeks to highlight to key policy makers the family planning commodity status in Nairobi and Bungoma Counties. The campaign highlights how the issue of family planning commodity stock out directly affects the lives of many women and girls. At present, women and girls are unable to access a wide choice of FP methods in facilities because of low, or no stock. If a method is not in stock, they are unable to make decisions regarding if, and when, to have children.
Kenya has been lauded globally for meeting its FP2020 target to increase the Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) to 58% 5 years early. For this result to be maintained we need to ensure that women and girls are able to access the family planning commodities they need to fulfil their potential.
Investing in family planning is a smart thing to do and #JazaShelves aims to catalyse action! We hope that policy makers will act and ensure family planning commodities reach the lowest level and improve service delivery in health facilities.
E4A-Mama Ye calls upon policy makers and county government staff to ensure that there is timely forecasting of commodities from facilities, timely request and delivery and, most importantly, consistency in the supply chain system. We hope this campaign will generate action in Nairobi and Bungoma counties, and across all the other counties in Kenya.
Follow live updates on this campaign on our twitter page #JazaShelves @E4A_MamaYeKenya