MamaYe relies on activists to make change happen within their own communities, so that more mothers and babies can survive than ever before.
MamaYe recently conducted super activists orientation meetings in Mzimba, Rumphi and Nkhata bay districts with the sole aim of empowering them and reviewing activities being carried out by these change agents in their respective communities.
These meetings equipped them on how best they can influence positive change in their communities. During these meetings, MamaYe activists shared stories of how they have contributed in saving the lives of mothers and babies in their respective communities.
Area Development Chairperson for M’mbelwa, Bodwin Ngulube also hailed MamaYe saying it has improved maternal survival in their district. He said pregnant mothers now rush to hospital to deliver, unlike in the past when they were opting to deliver in homes which was dangerous when complications arose.
MamaYe has helped in the communities
People are now aware of the importance of donating blood, and the pregnant mothers know the importance of delivering in hospitals
There was time at Manyamula Health Center when the dedicated midwife was on maternity leave. As activists of this community we thought it wise to address this matter immediately. We took an initiative directly contacting Mzimba District Health Officer. The DHO heard our voices and managed to allocate another midwife in good time...
Activists from all districts presented action plans aligned with MamaYe campaign asks – making pregnancy a happy and safe experience for all – aimed at reducing maternal and neonatal deaths to zero.
Similarly activists from Nkhatabay and Mzimba shared success stories from their communities during the meetings. MamaYe activists in these districts are working to bring change.