Above on the right Steven Gibrila, MamaYe Lead Activist in Koinadugu district. On the left, Steven, who led the blood donation drive in Koinadugu and donated blood nine times to save the lives of mothers.
As a sign of appreciation and thank you to district stakeholders and activists who have contributed to the Evidence for Action MamaYe campaign since 2012, we recently awarded MamaYe champions in Bonthe and Koinadugu districts with certificates of appreciation for their services to mothers and babies.
The award ceremonies were held at the district council halls in Bonthe and Koinadugu. These events attracted representatives from the district health management team, district councils, MamaYe activists, traditional and religious leaders, hospital implementing partners, media representatives, bike riders, disabled groups, the children forum network, youth groups, traders union, maternal and child health aides, and the district health coordinating committee.
Sowo Lebbie, MamaYe Advocacy Advisor, led the events and told district lead activists and stakeholders that the purpose of the events was to:
- Share MamaYe Sierra Leone’s achievements with district stakeholders
- Link MamaYe activists with other key district stakeholders including implementing organisations
- Celebrate MamaYe district champions.
During these meetings, MamaYe activist representatives shared stories of how they have contributed in saving the lives of mothers and babies. We’ve included some of their stories here for you to see:
Activists presented action plans aligned with MamaYe campaign Asks – safe clinics and more funds for mothers and babies – aimed at reviewing and developing district sustainability after the programme funding ends in December this year.
In Koinadugu district, activists are working to establish a community based organisation (CBO) with MamaYe’s name, logo and objectives. They have requested technical support on how to use the MamaYe branding guidelines and evidence products to continue to hold leaders accountable in saving the lives of women and babies. The MamaYe CBO will register with the Ministry of Social Welfare Gender and Children Affairs, District Council and the Ministry of Youths at district level.
Activists and stakeholders expressed frustration about the closure of the Evidence for Action programme in the districts but have committed to make the MamaYe campaign live on beyond December.