Calling on governments to #FundNaijaHealth

  • #FundNaijaHealth
The #FundNaijaHealth campaign is calling on government to release all appropriated health allocations on time, as this will enhance access to the health care that citizens, particularly mothers and newborns, receive. Follow the campaign live!

The campaign will also appeal to the State Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget, and State Ministry of Health to publish the health budgeting process on-line and other budgetary information, to facilitate increased citizen participation in the process, and to implement the impact of tracking the released funds.

Government should work towards increasing annual budgetary allocation to health to meet the 15% target agreed by the Heads of Governments of African nations.

  • Lagos State Health Budget Allocation Trend
    Lagos State Health Budget Allocation Trend
  • National Health Budget Allocation Trend
    National Health Budget Allocation Trend
  • National Health Budget Performance Trend For Selected MDA
    National Health Budget Performance Trend For Selected MDA

The Lagos State Health Budget allocation- Performance and Expenditure Trend Analysis; the analysis depicts the percentage annual health budget allocations for 5 years against the 15% target projected and a 3 years budgeted fund release performance.

The National Health Budget Allocation info-graph reflects the 9 years Trend Analysis of Health Budget Allocations in Nigerian, this shows the percentage of annual health budgets allocated in the last 9 years against the 15% target agreed upon by the African heads of states. While the 2016/17 Health Budget Performance trend Info-graph show in details the Pattern of budgeted fund Releases within the fiscal year.

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