Kabaza Mamaye Activists Cycle for Mothers Day!

  • cyclists Malawi
Creativity hit the kabaza cyclists and they thought of cycling 120km to Mchinji in a bid to raise K5 million.

MamaYe has different types of activists who have committed themselves to be a part of the big movement -helping mothers and babies survive. One of these groups is the area 25 kabaza cyclists (taxi operators). In playing their role and taking the opportunity to commemorate Mothers Day, they decided to visit Bwaila Hospital to find out from the administration on how they can help. It was learnt that the hospital was in dire need of Ultra-sound machine, CTG Machine, Doppler’s, glow starters, bed sheets, Lexine to just mention a few.

Creativity hit them and they thought of cycling to Mchinji in a bid to raise K5 million to be used to purchase the mentioned items. This is 120km from Lilongwe, a journey that takes slightly over an hour by road.They first started with meeting different organisations to raise those funds as well as get any assistance from them so that they may cycle from Lilongwe to Mchinji.

And then the day came… 27 September 2014

A beautiful summer morning with blue skies, a little wind here and there, not too much traffic and people all smiles. On the dot, 7 am they had arrived. Clad in blue and black MamaYe t-shirts with a reflector jacket screaming the same brand and a cap they looked ready to go, healthy and determined to reach their goal.….they felt awesome, I could see it..With the music that was playing, they danced, chatted, laughed, talked about whatever they were could, all geared up for the trip to Mchinji.

About 120KM was to be covered, what a tough job to do…but the kabaza guys were not taken back…

The Lilongwe DHO Mwayi Mwale encouraged them and told them how important their gesture was and how it would have been easy if all people could take this initiative. That was it!!!

They stopped in Trading Centers for two things, one was to rest a little and secondly was to tell people why are they cycling and for what cause. The people around Mpingu, Namitete,  Msundwe , Waliranji, Bua, Kamwendo trading centers gathered to hear the good news. They applauded them. The people came running  to see what was happening because of the  loud music that was being played… people danced to the songs and listened attentively to the message that was being presented to them.

It was just after 1500 hours that the kabaza operators arrived at Mchinji DHO. People came running to see what was happening, asking questions what is going on. When we told them, they were amazed to the extent the kabaza operators had to go for the sake of the mothers and babies at Bwaila. It was really a tough job. They thought it was true activism at its best, hands down.

Congratulating themselves after cycling for 120 KM for a job well done 

A group Photo finishing everything!! 

Job well done!!! Thanks to Bowler Beverages for the water and juice, thanks should also go to Shoprite for the awesome Oranges….

  •  speaking to the team Malawi
    Mwale talking to the Kabaza team
  • cyclists Malawi
    And then they were off…
  • speaking to the crowd Malawi
    Isaac Chinvula, one of the activists addressing the crowd at Msundwe Trading Center!
  • cyclists Malawi
    And then they arrived!
  • cyclists Malawi congratulating
    Congratulating themselves after cycling for 120 KM for a job well done
  • cyclists group Malawi
    A group photo finishing everything!

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