As donors, governments, and communities strive to deliver Universal Health Coverage, it is important to share experiences and tools as we try to find ways of advancing health sector accountability.…
Today, Lagos State launches a new app for notifying and reviewing maternal and perinatal deaths. In this blog, we look at how digitising Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response has the…
Watch the recording of our event on strengthening primary health care delivery and accountability in Nigeria with the Nigeria National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) and Nigeria UHC…
In the nascent stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, our team, together with other partners, speculated on what COVID-19 would mean for funding for essential basic health services. Some commentators were…
Achieving health for all by 2030 remains the focus of governments and health advocates around the world, especially in this last decade. With only 10 years left to achieve the Sustainable Development…
Media is a powerful ally for civil society organisations advocating for improved health outcomes of women and their babies. In this blog, E4A-MamaYe county advisors in Nairobi and Bungoma, George and…
Grassroots civil society organisations (CSOs) play a central role in improving the health of mothers and babies. Empowering them with advocacy skills to influence decision-makers in government to…
Data is central to planning, decision making and delivering quality reproductive, maternal, neonatal and child health. Scorecards can help health stakeholders in Nigeria determine interventions to…
Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response has become an important talking point both at county and national level in Kenya. In this blog, Federica Signoriello talks through why MPDSR is…
Elizabeth Kah is an MNCH champion in Nigeria - with her work, she promotes accountability for the implementation of healthcare policies that will help in improving maternal and newborn mortality…
E4A-MamaYe is proud to be a partner in a global campaign that will put women’s voices at the centre of healthcare.
We are getting ready for the ‘Enhancing Social Accountability in Kenya Health Sector’ conference on 14th-15th March 2018. More than 150 participants will join the event at the AMREF Health Africa…
Champions for mothers and babies , especially at higher levels, is are critical for influencing, shaping service delivery and increasing public participation on RMNCAH related issues. On…
Standfirst to be uploaded here
Who are the MamaYe Super Activists? They are ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things to keep mothers and babies alive and healthy in many parts of Nigeria.
The MDSR action network website provides more information and resources on MDSR in Ethiopia.
"There has been a tremendous reduction in stock-outs of essential life-saving commodities in (Lagos State) health facilities…" due to population growth.
A child is a blessing that most people desire, but when a child is unplanned the situation tends to create all kinds of problems.
Meet Adepeju Jaiyeoba founder of Brown Button Foundation and the brain behind ‘Mother’s delivery kit’.
Women’s chances of surviving childbirth improved significantly during the MDG era (2000 - 2015).
Have you visited a public health facility and wondered why it looks so unclean and disorganised?
MamaYe continues to push for good representation of maternal and newborn health (MNH) reporting in the news.
Sustainability is key to interventions that seek to make the lives of beneficiaries better. Read a great example of a self-sustaining MamaYe-Evidence4Action Nigeria maternal and newborn health…
Monsurat has found a way to make pregnant women visit the health facility more than ever, to be delivered of their pregnancies. Her inspiration came from her readiness to take actions that will help…
The Bauchi State Accountability for Maternal and Newborn Health with support from MamaYe, produced scorecards on maternal and newborn health and health budget for year 2016.
A 2014 report by UNFPA ranked Bungoma as the County with the 8th highest burden or maternal deaths in Kenya. Many of these deaths were and still are, preventable.
If you walk through any maternity corridors or wards in the country, you will see women sitting in groups Sharing their stories and laughing. But as much as there is joy and excitement, there is also…
Empowering women to know their rights is one way of improving maternal health in the country.
Maternal and newborn mortality may be high in Nigeria. We may have a very poor health system and it may seem that everything is not just working and no one is acting. But, we may be wrong, some…
The District Medical Officer (DMO) in Koinadugu District Dr. Francis Moses has stated that Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the district are playing a leading role in supporting the District…
Improving Maternal Health in Malawi Through Health Financing, Accountability and Health Rights.
Malawi has one of the highest maternal death rate in the world. Here, news of pregnancy is received with a mixture of both joy and anxiety by the mother, family and community.
Yelwa Abdulahi works with the Federation of Muslim Women Association of Nigeria, FOMWAN, Gombe State Chapter. Read her story.
The MamaYe campaign is gradually becoming a movement of people taking action to help improve the lives of pregnant women and newborns in their communities. This story shows how people connect for…
Across Nigeria, journalists are publishing reports that are re-shaping maternal and newborn health issues. We contribute to their efforts through trainings that can make their reporting more…
Commemorating the International Women's Day 2017, we share the bold story Sakeenah-Salvador Bakari.
Celebrating the journalists in Tanzania on World Radio Day.
Influenced by MamaYe Super Activists, Hasana realised that being a midwife, she actually could do something to improve the health of pregnant women and newborns.
Radio has always played a very important role in informing the public on health matters - In Malawi Radio is a source of information on maternal health.
As the world commemorates the International Day of Women in Science, MamaYe Malawi meets women who have devoted their passion and time to maternal health.
Iyaloja is rallying millions of market women towards improving maternal and newborn health in Lagos State.
Too many women across the world still struggle to access quality maternal health care.
Let us honor our pregnant women and our children in accessing quality health care and their health rights, as we commemorate International Human Rights today 10th December.
MamaYe was welcomed with cultural music to the palace of the Emir of Ningi during the MamaYe Community Launch event, which marks the beginning of the official MamaYe campaign in a chosen community.
Rumphi District is to strengthen primary health care after the Maternal Death Surveillance Response Committee Report showed that 44% of maternal deaths are due to sepsis.
MamaYe Malawi joins the rest of the world today, 25th October 2016, in commemorating Global Day of Action for the Right to Health.
The MamaYe investigative reporting for maternal and newborn health is to improve the positive representation of stories around the health of pregnant women and newborns, and also to ensure that such…
While investigative journalism has helped redress public office affairs at different levels, we want to see if it can help unraveling the reasons our government is not fulfilling ITS pregnant women…
Superman, Spiderman, Captain America are all screen heros. At MamaYe, we are raising Super Humans that will challenge the status quo and demand action and accountability for the improvement of the…
MamaYe Malawi has awarded two best journalists with outstanding maternal and newborn health stories during this year’s NAMISA Gala awards.
MamaYe clubs such as Pitala MamaYe School Club share evidence and information with mothers and fellow pupils and advocate for better quality care for mothers and babies.
Ijeoma explores the fears and hopes of women who became pregnant, the effect of their pregnancies on the statistics of maternal and newborn health and attainment of SDGs in Nigeria.
MamaYe has strengthened its partnership with media houses to improve coverage and delivery of evidence-supported maternal and newborn health in the news.
President Ernest Koroma declared maternal and child health a National Health Emergency at the State Opening of Parliament on 11 December 2015.
MamaYe and Parent And Child Health Initiative (PACHI) exhibited their campaign activities during the Research Dissemination Conference organised by the Malawi College of Medicine.
According to new UN estimates, Sierra Leone had the highest maternal mortality ratio globally. National Conference reveals the government's commitments to improve maternal health.
The Ministry of Health and Sanitation in collaboration with Options Consultancy Services Ltd. and Evidence for Action-MamaYe will be organising a one day Consultative Conference focusing on the Ebola…
MamaYe media close-out sessions brought together 20 editors and health reporters in Bonthe and Koinadugu. In the end participants signed a MoU with MamaYe as a commitment to continue reporting on…
We are glad that we have provided the platform for young people to demand their health rights and contribute to policies that will enhance the quality of their family lives.
Read the Winner of MamaYe's essay competition. We believe Hadiza's story set the health agenda for the Bauchi State's governor, Mohammed A. Abubakar.
E4A – Mama Ye! Tanzania brings to you this dedicated communication on the report on Mortality and Health recently published by the National Bureau of Statistics and Office of Chief Government…
Chiku Lweno-Aboud urges Member of Parliament candidates in Tanzania to address the issue of maternal and newborn mortality by suggesting concrete strategies and policies.
MamaYe is again participating in the Mothers Fun Run to ensure safe motherhood in Mchinji District.
High maternal mortality remains a huge challenge in Tanzania, requiring urgent improvements in maternal survival and wellbeing.
MamaYe was invited to participate in a workshop to design a distance learning radio programme. Here's a recount of what happened.
From a live radio debate, find out if the Government of Sierra Leone is doing enough to prevent pregnant women from dying.
MamaYe activists participate in the MNH Knowledge contest. Read more to learn about the winner of the second round.
Bauchi State governor makes a huge commitment to the health sector, including maternal and newborn health.
Journalists participate in media trainings to understand and accurately report MNH issues to save the lives of mothers and babies.
Maternal death review meetings were held to discuss cases and to brief participants on the new national MDSR guidelines. Find out how MDR committees are managing.
A Member of Parliament has repaired a defective ambulance in a bid to reduce maternal and newborn deaths in Ashanti.
Zanzibar, 13 June 8am, sunny morning and many children, men and women at the Amaani Stadium in Stone town – the place where the Race for Survival is happening. They are so much into it that they…
MamaYe! Advocacy Coalition called on leaders to end the doctors' strike for the sake of mothers and babies.
Here is a recount of MamaYe's DLA meeting in Freetown where activists share stories of success and plan activities.
Surajo Ma'aji receives MamaYe! Champions Award for his work in maternal and newborn health in Bauchi State.
Dr. Belinda Afriyie Nimako and her team at the South Dayi Health Directorate contribute to scorecard implementation and community engagement activities.
Meet Mama Atrato, Queen Mother of Ho Dome and champion of maternal and newborn health.
Members of the MamaYe Advocacy Coalition momentarily stopped the 2015 Summit to demand game-changing interventions for preventable maternal and newborn deaths.
MamaYe approached Dr A.P. Koroma to explain why the hospital is safe for mothers and newborns, and to encourage pregnant women to use the services.
Senior Chief is advocating for the minimum marriage age to be 21 years in Kasungu.
The Global Financing Facility will channel both domestic and external funds toward maternal and child health, in line with the next Global Strategy for women and children. Our strength in influencing…
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will soon give way to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Nigeria has seized the opportunity to contribute to new strategies.
Meet Kobina Essien, who has been saving the lives of pregnant women and their unborn babies by conveying them for safe and supervised delivery in his taxi.
The Member of Parliament for Tano North in Brong-Ahafo Region, Mrs. Freda Prempeh, has presented medical equipment worth GH¢30,000.00 to the Subonpan Community Health Planning Services compound in…
MamaYe's Fatou Wurie discusses her experiences of maternal health care in Sierra Leone with Amnesty International.
Revision of policies and laws and closer collaboration between different sectors are needed to address the male involvement in maternal and newborn health outcomes.
Thirty-two pregnant women in the Sunyani West District tested HIV positive in 2014, when they were screened at the antenatal clinic, statistics from the District Directorate of Health, has revealed.
Floods have hit Malawi and have left thousands destitute. While we appreciate that a lot are suffering, where does this leave a pregnant woman and issues of maternal and newborn health?
Mama Ye! keeps you up-to-date with the latest information, evidence, plans, launches and all that is important about and for Maternal and Newborn Health in Tanzania. We welcome you to the first issue…
Maternal and newborn data from NDHS 2013 raises questions about millions of Naira expended on the improvement of maternal and newborn health.
Engaging local communities in discussion around making their clinics safe for mothers and babies in the current Ebola context.
I was born premature. Read what I found out about my birth!
Global efforts to reduce maternal and newborn deaths remain a far cry from reality.
Dr Judy Gold provides her top three ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ around using mobile phones for health messaging.
Prior to the outbreak of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), progress had been made in improving the health of women and newborns in Sierra Leone.
With the introduction of the MamaYe Clubs in the districts, the biggest question has been: Can students, who have never been pregnant, educate women on issue of pregnancy and childbirth?
Accountability in the handling of maternal and newborn health issues is fast becoming a national tool that transparent policy makers are willing and ready to embrace.
The lack of equity in distribution of wealth for health creates another shortcoming in channelling adequate resources to develop the health sector and achieve evidence-based outcome.
“Every journey starts with a step “so they say.
MamaYe has school-based youth clubs that are actively involved in the advocacy work.
We recently conducted an assessment of 10 health facilities to better gauge the preparedness of our clinics to handle the major spike in Ebola cases in Freetown.
We might be operating in our own local environment, but certainly international decisions, whether we are aware of or consulted, affect how much resources come to us.
Creating accountability at the health facility and district level using an innovative mHealth data collection system.
Creativity hit the kabaza cyclists and they thought of cycling 120km to Mchinji in a bid to raise K5 million.
Sierra Leone Medical Students’ Association embarked on an Ebola house to house awareness campaign called ‘KickEbolaOut’ which started in August.
Ghana’s First lady has urged other African First Ladies to work tirelessly to reduce maternal and newborn mortality.
Could a strategic combination of evidence, advocacy and accountability be just the answer to achieving big outcomes in maternal and newborn health?
The partnership with the Union of Tanzanian Press Clubs (UTPC) is exciting - and it has the potential to tell every Tanzanian why they need to take action for out mothers and babies.
We are on a visit to Kibiti with the World Lung Foundation where we discover the difference their investment makes in a health centre.
In its quest to involve everyone to take part in saving the lives of mothers and babies MamaYe campaign has recruited one of the prominent people in society as a national activist. Our newest…
Women and health professionals spark new cycle of improving maternal and newborn health. This article is provided by University of Southampton
There are lots of ways to describe maternal mortality. But it doesn't matter how you calculate it, as long you count every maternal death. And bring it down.
A worrying concern over the Ebola scourge is its potential to affect the health of the most vulnerable groups in our society: women and children. As a country, we are one of the nations with the…
On Tuesday, August 19, 2014, the MamaYe Advocacy Coalition partnered the Universal Access to Healthcare Campaign to present a 10-Action Point document to the leadership of the Ministry of Health.
A Deputy Director of the Family Health Division and head of the Reproductive and Child Health Department of the Ghana Health Service, Dr. Patrick Aboagye, has urged skilled birth attendants across…
The Accountability Mechanism for Maternal and Newborn Health (AMHiN) Media Award is for journalists who entered their published stories in the investigative story competition. 2nd edition is now open.
MamaYe is extremely concerned by the 2014 outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. The impact of the virus not only constitutes a health emergency in itself, but places great strain on the health systems of…
On April 6, 2014 Former President of Malawi Dr. Joyce Banda said that her government had done so much to improve the lives of mothers and babies. She said that Malawi has improved in reducing the…
No human body has the capacity for 27 pints of blood but while giving birth, the incredible story of Elizabeth emphasises that blood and functional blood bank are compulsory in our hospitals if we…
The title of my article today was the communique slogan for the recently concluded third Partners' Forum that took place in Johannesburg.It was arguably rated as one of the most influential…
It was midnight after a drive from Dodoma. I should have been sleeping as we were actually waking up at daybreak to continue with our drive to Dar es Salaam.
A report released today by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund together with the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners reveals that…
New report reveals major gaps in midwives’ services in 73 high-burden countries
Each year, 5.5 million babies enter and leave the world without being recorded and one in three newborns—over 45 million babies—do not have a birth certificate by their first birthday. This is the…
These students in Freetown want safe water for all mothers and babies across Sierra Leone. They managed to get over 500 signatures to call on policy makers to make safe water available for all mamas…
As the World health Organisation (WHO) releases its latest report on maternal mortality, IBTimesUK looks at some of the counties with the highest rates of deaths.
Throughout my career as a midwife, I am all too familiar with the challenge of women arriving too late to the hospital to give birth. It is so heart breaking to know that these women’s lives could be…
Efforts to save lives of newborns now yielding positive results with the manufacturing of a life-saving gel in Nigeria. The gel is also being included in Mama kits for pregnant women when they are…
25 April marks World Malaria Day 2014, an occasion for us all to come together to renew our efforts and energise our commitment in fighting malaria. We want to highlight the importance of greater…
Student4Change Mobile Project go to Goderich and KrooBay Community Health Centres in Freetown meet community members, facilitating dialogue on safe clinics - particularly safe water and good…
It was two minutes after midday on April 16, 2014 and the Canon EOS 600D camera was never as exciting a companion as it was on this day at the Peki Government Hospital.
Maternal mortality must be an index for development of all countries to help improve the health of women and young girls, Professor Fred T. Sai, one of Ghana’s foremost reproductive health experts…
Country Director of the Evidence for Action Programme (MamaYe Campaign), Prof. Richard Adanu, has called on the Government and all relevant stakeholders to take serious action following increasing…
This speech delivered by a member of the MamaYe Ghana Steering Committee, Prof. Audrey Gadzekpo, at the launch of the first ever Maternal and Newborn Health glossary of terms is presented verbatim…
You might think that it’s easy to measure maternal mortality. You might think because it’s one of the Millennium Development Goals that countries have agreed what data should be collected to…
MamaYe Nigeria and MamaYe in London are strengthening the bridge that carries a life saving change for mothers and babies. The bridge is made of evidence-based advocacy, accountability and activists…
Birth can appear very different in different parts of the world. In some countries we give birth safely between the white walls of hospital surrounded by medics and machines. In others, relatives and…
At MamaYe we believe that all mothers and their babies deserve respectful care. We also think that midwives, nurses, doctors and other healthworkers are heroes and heroines whose hard work should be…
MamaYe decided to implement a 90-day pilot project that will use mobile technology with the help of our corporate partners Africell and African homegrown application Telerivet, to drive messaging and…
The health sector is not one of the prioritised sectors in the Big Results Now programme, for ambitious, transformative results in the short-term. Why not?
We know that the quality of care available for women needs to improve. That’s why Save the Children has identified this agenda based around essential interventions around birth, that a properly-…
The Delta State government is showing a huge commitment to saving lives of mothers and babies. We need more State governors to show commitment to saving lives.
Biriwa is a fishing community situated between Yamoransa and Anomabo in the Central Region. The rocky fishing village sits on the serene shores and stretches across the coastal line.
10 cool MamaYe successes of 2013. These are YOUR success too. We must continue to build momentum to ensure that MORE of our MOTHERS & BABIES survive childbirth in Sierra Leone.
Jigawa State Government, through its Ministry of Health has endorsed the works of MamaYe in the State by supporting the launch of our life-saving activities for mothers and babies. Interesting things…
The thematic panel discussion is a way for MamaYe to assess availability of maternal healthcare commodities and human resources in a health centre before such a health centre could be referred to as…
Sometimes working at high levels means you can get things done, but it can also be easy to lapse into thinking in aggregate – just looking at the statistics and the trends. To forget that these are…
The National Blood Transfusion Service and MamaYe Ghana had a very successful blood donation exercise at the premises of its new National Headquarters at Korle-bu near the Idadfa Park on Friday,…
The UNICEF statistics on maternal death as presented the other day by its Deputy Country Director, Madam Rushman Murtaza, are worrying. Speaking at a recent workshop for the Council of Traditional…
For the first time in Ghana, five health professional groups have come together to form a Maternal and Newborn Health Professionals Society. The society is intended to harmonise the national efforts…
As members of the public, we were left in a state of shock when we heard that the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) has recorded 1,130 maternal deaths between 2005 and June 2013. This unfortunate…
Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria and health development partners take the World Prematurity Day message to Dakibiyu Jabi village, Abuja. Check out the activities from start to finish in tweets by @…
A pregnant woman’s survival must not depend on daylight. Help provide light to save another woman, another child’s life. Help provide light to save another woman, another child’s life. Let’s build a…
Affectionately called “Auntie Midwife”, Dr. James Clayman is a Medical Superintendent and Obstetrician Gynaecologist whose passion for his job has endeared him to many Ghanaians. While working at the…
October 10 2013. The much-anticipated launch of the MamaYe campaign - a campaign calling for public action to improve maternal and newborn health, kicks off in Kano. The first amazement that greeted…
MamaYe is helping the Kano State health sector and the people of Kano in the fight against maternal and newborn mortality, and will now launch to intensify public actions for maternal and newborn…
Malawi’s health care centers, hospitals and clinics are overcrowded and understaffed, resulting in an overburdened health system that lacks the resources to effectively treat patients. But as mobile…
Having had a very colourful Mama Ye! launch in Arusha in January, we are busy keeping the momentum going so that lots of Tanzanians can join us to help save our mothers and babies.At the launch, we…
Featured author, Majuka Ololkeri of Femina HIP shares a success story all the way from the Southern tip of Tanzania, Mtwara. While collecting information for our magazines, we travel in many regions…
The management of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH), in collaboration with the government, has designed a programme intended to improve healthcare delivery and maternal care at its peripheral…
Finding solutions that will lead to ending preventable maternal mortality: the situation, needs and possibilities and the ripple effect in infographicsTeaser image:
MamaYe collaborated with PMNCH (the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health) to identify the actions, policies and solutions from 10 countries making substantial progress in improving…
E4A-MamaYe collaborated with PMNCH (the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health) to identify the actions, policies and solutions from 10 countries making substantial progress in improving…
Traffina Foundation has been working in Nigeria to improve maternal and newborn health using various methods. This time, the founder of the organisation and a maternal and newborn heroine, Nomso,…
The Mama Afrika Award honours remarkable efforts by individuals or organisations in Africa that ensure Africa’s mothers, newborns and children survive and thrive into the future. Nominate anyone or…
Nomso, a nurse/midwife working to save lives of mothers and babies, sheds light on why women have babies in most odd places.
If a report on the number of women and children who die daily in all the local governments of the federation due to leadership negligence can be gathered, the nation should be in perpetual mourning…
Mamaye Club in Mchinji is one of a kind. With over 50 members, the club is determined to make a difference in the field of maternal and newborn health in the village and surrounding areas. Here is…
“MARA” – “IMARA”!! The rallying call of Mara’s Regional Commissioner was heartily responded to by the excited crowd of Musoma Town residents who had gathered in large numbers to participate in the…
The story of Hassanatu N’jai, a young woman who went from being a community health volunteer to a registered nurse specializing in maternal and newborn care.
Health reporter and champion for maternal and newborn health, Judd-Leonard Okafor, reports the Abuja+12 and Nigeria's 15% national commitment to develop health through the eyes of MamaYe Nigeria.
12 years ago, African heads of State met in Abuja and committed to allocating 15% of their entire budgets to health spending. This was indicative of prioritizing health as an important factor to…
Although Monica believes in prayer, she also believes it is safe to be delivered of her baby in the hospital. But when one of the two is missing, she knows she is at the risk of losing her life.
MamaYe Nigeria is proud to feature Wole Oyebade of the Guardian Newspaper. Wole is an avid MNCH writer and has again brought great insight into MNCH issues in Lagos in his interview with the Lagos…
The award-winning Fambula Initiative Network for Equality (FINE) is doing innovative work in Sierra Leone. They are working with men to turn around cultural norms that negatively impact women’s…
MamaYe in collaboration with National Safe Blood Services celebrated World Blood Donor Day in Makeni on June 14th.
Tackling malnutrition is crucial to accelerating progress in women’s and children’s health. The latest evidence on nutrition and maternal and newborn health has been gathered and summarised by the…
As I write this blog, the Lake Zone National Blood Transfusion Service blood bank is overflowing, with additional flooring being laid down to store blood bags given the overwhelming response of…
Read the infographic below to find our why MamaYe Ghana is working to increase awareness and encourage the Ghanaian public to give blood to save a mama or a baby.Join us at the Forecourt of the…
Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) are very popular and influential in rural communities in Sierra Leone. Engaged in community-based non-delivery roles, this network of respected individuals has the…
A new National Priority Agenda that will comprehensively address the plight of all categories of Nigerian children is to be launched in July this year by President Goodluck Jonathan.
Most of us know personally or have heard of a woman who has passed away due to complications during pregnancy or childbirth. The tragic truth is that most of these deaths of our Tanzanian mothers and…
Tuesday, May 21, 2013 marked the 66th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, where 194 Member States attended the annual meeting to discuss activities of the World Health Organisation (WHO)…
At the MamaYe Freetown launch, Sowo Lebbie - E4A Sierra Leone’s Advocacy Advisor - tells her story on how she survived childbirth thanks to delivering in a safe clinic.
The ‘International Day of the Midwife’ is marked worldwide to first of all, renew the commitment of midwives around the world and to remind them of the importance of the service they render to…
Nomso Ibe did something extraordinary in her quest to save the lives of mothers and babies. After a successful community outreach, the pregnant women she encouraged to attend antenatal care and use…
“Childbirth is not a disease. We have known for decades what it takes to ensure the survival of women and their babies in childbirth. But if our mothers are to survive, then the Ghanaian public must…
MamaYe Nigeria recently earned another feather for its cap when the commissioner for health in Kano State, Dr Abubakar Labaran, commended Evidence for Action (E4A), the organisation behind the MamaYe…
On February 9th E4A - MamaYe organised and trained selected health correspondents across Kano and Jigawa states, as well as Abuja. The training, which involved sixteen health journalists from print,…
Somewhere in Ghana almost 60 women die each week from causes related to pregnancy and birth. The hardest pill to swallow is this: that giving life to the country’s next generation is one of the…
Tanzania’s Dr. Godfrey Mbaruku first thought his posting to remote Kigoma in Tanzania was a punishment. The only maternal specialist for 1.2 million people with deplorable conditions and staff…
Acting together will result in thousands of mothers and newborns surviving pregnancy and childbirth. That is the conviction of the Mama Ye! campaign.
John Sanganme's record-keeping is saving the lives of Bonthe's mothers and babies.
In less than a year, Traditional Authority Kalonga of Salima has managed to reduce the number of annual maternal deaths in his area, from ten to two. He has done this through the establishment of by-…