World Prematurity Day 2013 in Malawi

MamaYe Malawi celebrates World Prematurity Day 2013! Malawi has the highest preterm birth rate in the world! Prematurity matters because babies born too soon are extremely vulnerable to death or disability.
MamaYe Malawi celebrates World Prematurity Day 2013! Prematurity matters because babies born too soon are extremely vulnerable to death or disability. Malawi has the highest preterm birth rate in the world, with one in every three newborn deaths a result of being born too soon.  In Malawi a cultural belief that newborn deaths do not count and are not considered 'real' exists, however the burden of newborn deaths and babies born too soon in Malawi is real. There are many low-tech interventions that can save the lives of babies born too early if delivered by a skilled health worker including kangaroo mother care, corticosteroids and family planning.  Learn what YOU can do - take ACTION!Are you a mother to be? A father, family or friend? Activist or community leader? Health workerDecision maker?Everyone has a role to play! Families and organisations worldwide are sharing their stories, photos, videos and activities to raise public awareness of prematurity on the World Prematurity Day Facebook Page.  Please download and share materials as MamaYe is dedicated to making a difference for newborns and babies born too soon!What is the scale and disparity of the problem worldwide?Learn more about prematurity in Malawi with this facts and figure downloadLife saving interventions infographic and factsheet on preterm birth      

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