The fact of the matter remains that breast milk is good for babies. What you might not know is how breast feeding is important. So what we are going to discuss here are the benefits of breast feeding to child, mother, family and community. Yep! You heard me right. The advantages of breast feeding go beyond the child and trickle down to mother and other members involved.Benefits to the child...You might have wondered, questioned why health personnel push for exclusive breast feeding for the first six months and continued breast feeding until the child is 2 years old. Well, the value of breast milk surpasses all. Others have actually dubbed breast milk the ‘liquid gold’.According to Chief Nutrition Programme Officer responsible for community nutrition in the Ministry of Health-Maureen Maguza-Tembo, early initiation of breast milk, thus within the first 30 minutes of birth, protects the child against diarrhea and other respiratory tract infections.This is because the first thick yellow breast milk known as colostrum is rich in antibodies and nutrients that protect the baby.Breast milk is also easier for the child to digest. This is because it is natural. Some of the ingredients used to make formula or other feeds that people may prefer to breast milk might cause strain on the child’s intestines.Benefits to the mother…It is not often that one hears of the benefits of breast feeding to the mother. But I kid you not there are a number of advantages some of which might surprise you.Breast feeding within the first hour of giving birth prevents the mother from postpartum bleeding. In itself, breast feeding promotes uterine involution- the contraction of the uterus.One may wish to know that breastfeeding causes the release of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin-a hormone that speeds uterine contractions.Maguza-Tembo adds that: “A mother that breast feeds her child exclusively from within the first hour will often not lose blood. Breast feeding also releases hormones that inhibit the release of eggs that helps the mother space out her pregnancies.“On top of all of this, breast feeding allows bonding between mother and child. A mother will also have the satisfaction of care given to her child. It boosts confidence.”Benefits to family and communitiesYou will believe me when I say that a child is not brought up by mother alone. Family and communities feel some sense of responsibility towards the health of a child. If a baby cries in a minibus, passengers will often push the mother to breast feed. Why? They care.The sickness of a child affects house chores, work of the mother and sometimes communities stall. Breast feeding then gives family and communities the satisfaction that a mother has taken good care of a child. This is according to Maguza-Tembo.HIV/Aids and breast feedingThe burning question among many would be what of those mothers that are living with HIV. Maguza-Tembo says the HIV status of a mother is no excuse not to breast feed. This is because once a mother is diagnosed with HIV at the health facility they are put on anti retroviral treatment (ART) and so is the baby once born.“The option B+ regiment, given to pregnant women once diagnosed HIV positive that government is giving out now allows the mother to breast feed exclusively for six months. The drugs given prevent the transmission of the virus. Breast feeding must be taken seriously,” she said.It is stressed that HIV positive mothers abide to exclusive breastfeeding in order to avoid any irritation to the intestines of the newborn and decrease chances of exposure to the virus.Government interventions on breast feeding Realizing the benefits of breast feeding, the government of Malawi has different initiatives in place that encourage women to breast feed.Maguza-Tembo said, government takes advantage of the antenatal visits of mothers to share with them the importance of breast feeding and child care among other things.The Ministry of Health also has a scale-up initiative that promotes the coordination of different stakeholders from the top to community level.She said: “We have care groups that visit homes prioritizing those of pregnant mothers and those with children of less than 2 years. During these visits, those that are breast feeding are encouraged to continue and told of the benefits.”Breast feeding should not be a choice. Every mother must make it as a priority. The benefits cannot be compared to other options.
The fact of the matter remains that breast milk is good for babies. What you might not know is how breast feeding is important. So what we are going to discuss here are the benefits of breast feeding to child, mother, family and community. Yep! You heard me right. The advantages of breast feeding go beyond the child and trickle down to mother and other members involved.