Tribute to a Mama Ye! Champion in Mara

I remember just three weeks ago, I sat at a corner that I branded as mine, since I would sit there whenever we had meetings at the Mara Regional Commissioner’s (RC) office, tweeting away in between short trips to the front to take photos and posting them on Facebook. I remember the late John Gabriel Tuppa, RC for Mara.Man of the PeopleSo I was at my corner, typing away, when Mr. Tuppa on his way out of the room, during tea break, stopped by to make a correct observation that I had not greeted the high table that morning as I always do. True, I was organising the journalists and soon after we walked into the room, the RC started his opening speech. Therefore there was no chance for me to greet anyone seated at the high table.In the Tanzanian culture, it is very important to greet your elders. So if you are caught I such a situation, you quickly admit the slip and sincerely apologise, like how I did. He nodded, smiled and walked on.  Such is the leader he was. Attentive to details and approachable. This is a leader I saw participate in a football match, encouraging his people to take action to save lives. A man of the people!It is with great sadness we have received news of the passing of one of Mama Ye! Greatest Champions for the survival of Mothers and Babies of Tanzania. Humorously, he referred himself as ‘Babu Ye!’ (Babu is Swahili for grandfather). Our friend, brother, supporter and campaigner John Gabriel Tuppa died suddenly while on duty, touring Tarime District.A leader to emulateWarm and focused, kind hearted but strict, strong yet down to earth and very sensitive, the Mama Ye! Team is thankful to have known and worked with this great leader in Mara. Such unique leaders leave behind strong systems that will follow through what they have started and guided teams to achieve—Such as the Mara Strategy for Acceleration of Reduction of Maternal and Newborn deaths.Below is evidence to the great resource he has been to this country through the people of Mara. Follow the links to read blogs and to see pictures on Facebook.Mara determines to take the lead in saving mothers and babies livesMara responds to the call for the World Blood Donor Day 2013What a difference six months makeChereko! Nderemo! WanaMara wajipanga kuokoa Mama na Vichanga!Warsha ya viongozi na watendaji Mkoani Mara kupitia rasimu ya mkakatiMara wajitathmini upunguzaji vifo vya mama na vichangaHe will be deeply missed.May his soul rest in Peace, Amen.
I remember just three weeks ago, I sat at a corner that I branded as mine, since I would sit there whenever we had meetings at the Mara Regional Commissioner’s (RC) office, tweeting away in between short trips to the front to take photos and posting them on Facebook. I remember the late John Gabriel Tuppa, RC for Mara.Man of the PeopleSo I was at my corner, typing away, when Mr. Tuppa on his way out of the room, during tea break, stopped by to make a correct observation that I had not greeted the high table that morning as I always do. True, I was organising the journalists and soon after we walked into the room, the RC started his opening speech. Therefore there was no chance for me to greet anyone seated at the high table.In the Tanzanian culture, it is very important to greet your elders. So if you are caught I such a situation, you quickly admit the slip and sincerely apologise, like how I did. He nodded, smiled and walked on.  Such is the leader he was. Attentive to details and approachable. This is a leader I saw participate in a football match, encouraging his people to take action to save lives. A man of the people!It is with great sadness we have received news of the passing of one of Mama Ye! Greatest Champions for the survival of Mothers and Babies of Tanzania. Humorously, he referred himself as ‘Babu Ye!’ (Babu is Swahili for grandfather). Our friend, brother, supporter and campaigner John Gabriel Tuppa died suddenly while on duty, touring Tarime District.A leader to emulateWarm and focused, kind hearted but strict, strong yet down to earth and very sensitive, the Mama Ye! Team is thankful to have known and worked with this great leader in Mara. Such unique leaders leave behind strong systems that will follow through what they have started and guided teams to achieve—Such as the Mara Strategy for Acceleration of Reduction of Maternal and Newborn deaths.Below is evidence to the great resource he has been to this country through the people of Mara. Follow the links to read blogs and to see pictures on Facebook.Mara determines to take the lead in saving mothers and babies livesMara responds to the call for the World Blood Donor Day 2013What a difference six months makeChereko! Nderemo! WanaMara wajipanga kuokoa Mama na Vichanga!Warsha ya viongozi na watendaji Mkoani Mara kupitia rasimu ya mkakatiMara wajitathmini upunguzaji vifo vya mama na vichangaHe will be deeply missed.May his soul rest in Peace, Amen.

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