Nigeria & Kenya Coalitions host learning event

Advocacy is a dynamic process that constantly needs to be adapted in response to changing political, economic and social contexts. E4A-MamaYe is bringing together local advocates from Nigeria and Kenya to co-host an online event to share experiences, celebrate success and develop tips on how to navigate challenges.

When is the date?

The online event will be held on the 17th June 2021 at 1 PM GMT/ 2 PM WAT/ 4 PM EAT. Please follow @E4AMamaYeAfrica and @OptionsInHealth on twitter for more updates about this event.

Who is eligible to participate?

Participation will be open for advocates working in maternal, neonatal, adolescent and child health across Africa. Journalists enthusiastic about health reporting can participate too. 

Registration is now open

You can easily complete registration for the advocacy learning event. Please add this event on your calendar once you complete registration. You will then receive an email confirmation with a link to access the advocacy learning event. 

Why this event is important?

Since 2011, E4A-MamaYe has worked with civil society advocates across sub-Sahara Africa. These advocates have formed strong coalitions who work together to improve Maternal and Newborn Health. These coalitions have expanded beyond civil society to include media and government representatives.  The strength of E4A-supported coalitions lies in the diversity of coalitions members. We have learned that:

  • Strong government relationships benefit coalitions as they provide access to data, give access to decision makers and can provide insights into opportunities for influencing. As members, government officials are part of solutions to address maternal health challenges from the start. This makes them more likely to take ownership and take action.
  • Media are a key ally to CSOs. Being closer to communities, CSOs have an in-depth understanding of the issues that affect maternal health. Media can help them to raise public awareness of these issues.
  • Coalitions enable advocates to leverage each other’s strengths in terms of influence, connections and resources.

Sustained advocacy amidst COVID-19

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, advocacy coalitions have held government accountable for prioritising and investing in maternal and child health. By putting into practice E4A-MamaYe's advocacy approaches coalitions achieved the following successes:

  • In Niger state, the coalition’s advocacy resulted in the transfer of responsibilities for management and administration of all PHC health workers from the State Ministry of Health to the Niger State Primary Healthcare Agency (NSPHCDA).
  • The Lagos 2020 health budget increased from 9.8% to 10.61% and securing the release of 81.04% of approved RMNCAH funds by the state government. The budget for life saving commodities in Lagos increased from 50.1million NGN in 2019 to 227million NGN in 2021. No stock-outs reported of essential commodities in Lagos in 2020.
  • The Bungoma RMNCAH coalition has for a long time been advocating for improved quality of blood services. In response the county government is at procurement stage to commence the construction of a fully-fledged blood transfusion center.

How can you be part of this exciting event?

We believe there are many other successful stories out there from other advocates across Africa. The planned event will be an important platform for learning and building stronger networks and bonds for maternal and child health advocates. We can't wait! Save the date on your calendar.


For more information or questions about this event write to us on


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