October 15th every is International Hand Washing Day. The day is an annual global advocacy day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding about the importance of hand washing with soap and water as an easy, effective and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives.
Raising awareness
In a bid to make this event a remarkable one in Koinadugu district, the MamaYe Koinadugu Advocacy Group joined the Water and Sanitation Health (WASH) partners in the district to raise awareness about the importance of hand washing for better health outcomes for mothers and babies.
MamaYe Koinadugu Advocacy group was involved in the planning of the district activities to observe the day. They worked closely with the district Water Directorate Office, Oxfam Public Health promotion team, Aids Salone, Dendembeh Foundation Seda, Radio Bintumani and other partners to prepare budgets on how the district should promote education on hand washing.
What took place
MamaYe members participated in the radio discussion programs that were held to promote awareness on hand washing; they did a drama play on the theme making hand washing a habit which was performed at the official launch of the district hand washing awareness campaign that attracted the attention of major stakeholders in the district especially from the District Health Management Team.
MamaYe activists also participated in the float parade which was one of the district major activities to mark the event.It could be recalled that MamaYe is a campaign aims to engage the African public in the survival of African women and their newborns.
Who is the campaign for?
The campaign is for every pregnant woman, every family, every youth, every man, every government and every community. It is about you, and with your support we can transform commitment into action.
This campaign starts with you and results in lives saved. Be an engaged citizen because you know that every pregnant woman in Sierra Leone should survive while giving life.
In Sierra Leone, the campaign official project ended in December 2015, but the legacy of the campaign continues to make impact in promoting the MamaYe campaign.
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