Coalitions Using Political Economy Analysis
Political economy analysis (PEA) is a tool used to explore the “interaction of political and economic processes in a society, the distribution of power and wealth between different groups and individuals, and the processes that sustain and transform these relationships over time.” Executing routine and rapid PEAs, enables advocates to identify, and later reassess, advocacy targets and pathways to achieving their goals by understanding underlying interests, incentives, and institutions that affect change. E4A-MamaYe has provided training and mentorship to coalitions in Kenya and Nigeria to enable them to use PEA approaches to plan their advocacy.
We use a “problem driven” PEA approach to identify the factors affecting maternal and child health, the interactions between the political, economic and social factors that affect a problem and understand the different interest and power dynamics that can help or hinder change. We support coalitions to use these findings to map out the steps they can take in the short and long term to achieve their goals and forge key alliances that make them allies rather than the adversaries of decision-makers.