Our work at Options and specifically the Evidence for Action(E4A)-MamaYe project contributes strongly to the event's theme. We recognize that women’s perspectives, insights, needs, and experiences are often not factored in decision making, policy design and implementation across the broader spectrum of health care service provision. Our team was represented by Esther Agbon, the E4A-MamaYe Country Lead and Dr. Moshood Salawu, the Senior MPDSR Advisor. It was a great and unique opportunity to use art and share about the Community-Maternal Perinatal Death Surveillance & Response (C-MPDSR) we do in Nigeria and Kenya. Our session was titled Mothers Alive, Babies Alive supported by an artist called Mangai Joel Dawang who used his skills to portray a social setting which promotes women and girls voices.
In his presentation, Dr. Moshood presented how E4A-MamaYe uses its C-MPDSR model, especially the social autopsy approach to elevate women’s voices to address the biased gender norms and sociocultural factors which are root causes of maternal and perinatal deaths in many communities. In the past, we have seen great actions generated from community social autopsies bringing about positive changes. A good example has been the Soba community in Nigeria, where C-MPDSR is implemented.
"Men are now becoming agents of change following their pregnant women to the health centre for ANC, delivery, and PNC visits."
explained Dr.Moshood
Read here about E4A-MamaYe work on C-MPDSR.
Copyright credit for the art: Mangai Joel Dawang, Phone no: 0803 263 0865 ,Email: joelmangai.jm@gmail.com