Advocacy Brief on ENAP & EPMM in Nigeria

This summary provides a concise analysis of progress made toward enhancing maternal and newborn health (MNH) outcomes in Nigeria, in line with the goals and milestones set by ENAP and EPMM. It offers a snapshot of the current multi-stakeholder landscape for MNH advocacy and accountability, highlighting the vital contributions of civil society, parents, and communities in developing plans, policies, and budgets, monitoring progress, and spurring action.

This brief serves as a valuable resource for governments, advocates, and other stakeholders – both in Nigeria and globally – by informing the design, coordination, and evaluation of policies, services, and initiatives aimed at improving the health outcomes for mothers and newborns. It builds on existing efforts and lessons learned, pinpoints gaps and obstacles hindering progress, and underscores the necessity for a multi-sectoral approach that encompasses climate change, education, nutrition, women's rights, and other relevant factors.


This brief was created collaboratively by partners including: E4A-MamaYe!, Samasha, and Jhpiego supported by the ENAP-EPMM Advocacy and Accountability Working Group and Global Health Visions.


Originally published by Global Health Visions here: 
