Programme material
78 Results
E4A Project Brief 2022-2024
Evidence for action (E4A) - MamaYe Project is aimed at catalysing change by bringing together groups of advocates (including government, civil society, media, and health practitioners) to use existing information and resources.
Steps to Change Toolkit
The Steps to Change model is a visual representation of how a joint goal by a coalition of advocates can be achieved through a series of steps/actions to address the root cause that led to a health problem. Steps to Change is about adaptation and flexibility with the aim to achieve the desired change.
Impact Report 2019_2022
In March 2021, the E4A-MamaYe project commissioned AISE Consulting to conduct a learning review followed by a process evaluation, which was performed in January to February 2022. This brief provides an overview of AISE’s key findings and recommendations.
Financing for RMNCAH in Kenya and Nigeria
Evidence for Action (E4A)- MamaYe has gathered available data and conducted interviews with decision makers and civil society organisations to take stock of what has happened to funding for reproductive, maternal, new-born, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) in Nigeria and Kenya. The findings demonstrated that, across Nairobi and Bungoma in Kenya, and Bauchi, Lagos, and Niger in Nigeria; funding for RMNCAH is in a precarious position.
Improved Dialogue Among Coalitions & Governments
E4A-MamaYe has produced two case studies in Nigeria and Kenya that explore if and how dialogue between government and civil society advocates has increased and what impact this may have on accountability for RMNCAH issues in the locations we work in. The study also looks at the challenges encountered in the process of bringing together advocates and government and proposes strategies for improving dialogue between government and civil society in the selected States and Counties.
Coalitions Using Political Economy Analysis
Over the last two years, E4A-MamaYe has been working with coalitions to influence policy and budgeting for improved maternal and neonatal health. A core principle of effective advocacy is ensuring it responds to the political economy context of the issue that advocates aim to change.
Guiding Principles of Coalition Building
Coalitions are a group working together, discussing a need or an issue, and then forming a plan to address those. It is a collaborative effort between advocates to address a common problem.
How to engage in public participation
Public participation can enable citizens, including advocacy groups, to access information on budget decisions so that they are able to better understand the issues and options that the Government are considering. While participating in the process, citizens can influence decisions by speaking on behalf of the people they represent.
How to establish the funding flow
Establishing the funding flow can give you a better understanding of how money flows through the health system and where there might be bottlenecks preventing money from reaching health facilities.
How to develop a scorecard
A scorecard is a visual display of performance against a set of agreed indicators against targets. Usually, traffic lights colours – green, amber and red – are used to depict performance, with green meaning good progress, amber meaning moderate progress and red meaning poor progress.
How to plan health budget advocacy
Planning health budget advocacy will help you and other advocates to ensure that your advocacy efforts happen at the right time and deliver the right information to the right audience.
How to establish the health financing context
Establishing the health financing context can help you to get a better picture of the state of funding for health in your country. It will help you to check who is paying for health, and to what extent the Government are moving towards universal health coverage.
How to develop a health budget advocacy brief
The Health Budget Advocacy Brief will help you to visualise complex health and budget information. It links financial data on budget allocation and budget performance (release and spending) to data on service delivery and utilisation.
How to map the budget cycle
Mapping the budget cycle will help you explore when decisions are made, by whom, and how you can engage directly or via champions.
How to analyse budget performance
Analysing budget performance can help you to understand how much money was committed and spent on the things you care about.
Women and girls make their communities thrive when they have access to good quality health services. The E4A-MamaYe project has been working to improve maternal and newborn survival in sub-Saharan Africa since 2012. We have learned that building local partnerships that connect health advocates with the media, government and health professionals gives them the power to hold decision makers to account for improving women's and children's health.
Evidence can save the lives of mothers and babies: the story of E4A-MamaYe
Under the E4A-MamaYe programme, we support civil society groups, government and health practitioners to find evidence-based solutions that bring about a transformational improvement to the lives of women and children.
Organisational Capacity Assessment Tool
Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) is a comprehensive and participatory approach to achieving organizational learning and development. it is a participatory process, self-scored, and should help identify strengths and weaknesses of an organization or coalitions.
Accountability – How does it work?
Accountability is the obligation of powerholders to account for or take responsibility for their action. Powerholders hold political, financial or other forms of power and include officials in government, private corporations, and CSOs.
Why Advocacy Matters?
Advocacy is a deliberate process that involves influencing those who make decisions and aims at developing, changing, and implementing policies.
Basic principles of Monitoring & Evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation are essential to track the progress of the coalitions and manage the risks that could stop advocates from achieving their goals.
Using the Accountability Framework Tool
Accountability is the obligation of powerholders to account for or take responsibility for their action. Powerholders hold political, financial or other forms of power and include officials in government, private corporations, and CSOs.
Developing Terms of Reference for Coalitions
Depending on the objective of the coalition and how members want to operate, coalitions might decide to formally register as a legal entity.
Coalition Operations Tracking Tool
When planning your advocacy, you can design your strategy by drawing or listing each step that is needed to achieve your goal. This will ensure everyone in your coalition has a shared understanding of the vision and how to get there.
You can translate this map into an actionable plan to lists each action, including the timelines, budgets, and resources needed as well as responsibilities across coalition members.
You can translate this map into an actionable plan to lists each action, including the timelines, budgets, and resources needed as well as responsibilities across coalition members.
Planning your advocacy communications
Advocacy is all about influencing and persuading but this will not happen unless advocates are able to communicate their ideas effectively. The quality and effectiveness of advocacy is dependent on the strength of communications.
Using Advocacy Briefs to Package Evidence
Effective advocacy for coalitions requires preparation to discuss the matter that is on the table. To maximize these opportunities, it is important that coalitions prepare extensively by using data and other information to identify gaps and propose solutions to the issue. However, how do we make sure data is packaged and delivered in the right way?
E4A-MamaYe Programme Update 2019-2022
Since 2012 E4A-Mama Ye has worked to improve maternal and newborn survival in sub-Saharan Africa. The programme received funding for a further three years from July 2019. In this brief you will find information on how we work and what has changed in the new programme in order to achieve our goals sustainably.
Youth engaging with the GFF: there is nothing for us, without us!
The Global Financing Facility (GFF) provides and attracts funding for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health. E4A-Mama Ye works with civil society to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to engage with the GFF, and that young people can participate fully in decision making.
Comment les organisations de la société civile peuvent-elles jouer un rôle dans le GFF?
Êtes-vous un représentant de la société civile? Voici ce que vous et vos organisations pouvez faire pour vous engager dans la mise en œuvre du GFF et pour accélérer les progrès vers une meilleure santé pour chaque femme et chaque enfant.
E4A-MamaYe is currently supporting grassroots civil society organizations in engaging in the annual government planning and budgeting processes.
E4A-MamaYe is currently supporting civil society coalitions to engage in the GFF across sub-Saharan Africa.
How can Civil Society organisations play a role in the GFF
Are you a civil society representative? Here it is what you and your organizations can do to engage in the implementation of the Global Financing Facility and to accelerate progress towards better health for every woman and child.
Guide pour l’engagement des OSC dans le processus du Mécanisme de financement mondial
Les organisations de la société civile (OSC) jouent un rôle primordial dans le Mécanisme de financement mondial. Elles ont le pouvoir de relayer et d’amplifier les voix des citoyens qu’elles représentent afin d’influencer la hiérarchisation des priorités au niveau gouvernemental, de surveiller l’avancement des engagements de leurs gouvernements respectifs et, enfin, de tenir ces mêmes gouvernements responsables pour la mobilisation des ressources nationales et l’amélioration des résultats liés à la santé et la nutrition maternelle, néonatale, infantile et adolescente (RMNCAH-N).
CSOs GFF Engagement Toolkit
Civil society organisations have a crucial role to play in the Global Financing Facility: amplifying the voice of their constituencies to influence priority setting; monitoring country commitments; and holding government to account for mobilising domestic resources and improving RMNCAH-N outcomes.
Investing in Adolescent health to create an empowered generation
Right now there are 200 million young people, aged 15-24, living in sub-Saharan Africa. At MamaYe, we believe that harnessing the Demographic Dividend, through investing in young people’s health is vital to ensuring they reach their full potential.
MamaYe to the wider public through blood donation drives
Read and download this case study (no.12) from our collection of illustrated case studies, about the programme's experience using blood donation as a hook to engage African citizens in the MamaYe campaign, specifically in Malawi and Tanzania.
The Maternal Death Surveillance and Response Action Network
Read and download this case study (no.9) from our collection of illustrated case studies, about the creation of the Maternal Death Surveillance and Response (MDSR) Action Network.
Scaling-up community maternal verbal autopsies - a viable approach?
Is scaling-up community maternal verbal autopsies a viable approach to inform action to reduce maternal mortality? Dr Sarah Barnett considers this question and shares her opinion with us.
Why health budget advocacy is essential to CSOs
During our training event in Nairobi, the E4A team took the opportunity to speak to civil society from across Africa about their work on health budget advocacy and why it is important to them
Marketing of breast-milk substitutes: 2016 report
Breastfeeding is a human rights issue for babies and mothers, and should be protected and promoted for the benefit of both.
Infographics on blood donation in sub-Saharan Africa
Find out why is it important to give blood to a mama or baby in the region.
Strengthening accountability: A mapping of studies in Sub-Saharan Africa
This is the first paper in the MamaYe - Evidence for Action (E4A) maternal and newborn health (MNH) accountability series and provides a structured review of types of MNH accountability mechanisms implemented and evaluated in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Driving accountability and influencing change through MDSR
This paper looks at how maternal death surveillance and response (MDSR) systems are strengthening response and accountability for better health outcomes. This is the fifth paper in the MamaYe - Evidence for Action (E4A) series on accountability.
Editorial: Accountability in maternal and neonatal health
This editorial gives an overview of a series of MamaYe - Evidence for Action (E4A) papers on accountability.
Using advocacy and data to strengthen political accountability in Africa
This paper explores how global and regional initiatives have been used to create accountability for maternal and newborn health. Examples from five countries where MamaYe - Evidence for Action (E4A) has been implemented illustrate how these initiatives have influenced responses at the national level.
MamaYe Infographic on Global Preterm Birth 2016
Learn how many babies are born too soon and other global facts about preterm birth.
Perinatal death audits to improve newborn survival
We asked five experts in maternal, newborn and child health from around the world to share their knowledge and experiences in perinatal death surveillance and response. Here is what they told us.
Role of the multi-disciplinary team in MDSR
We asked six experts from Malaysia, Ireland, Ethiopia and India about the importance of multi-disciplinary teams in maternal death surveillance and response (MDSR) systems. Read more about the insights they shared with us.
Global Financing Facility update: January 2016
For this update, we summarised Global Financing Facility (GFF) activities from November 2015 to January 2016, specifically meetings in Kenya, Montreux and Washington as well as links to related documents.
Evidence for Action IJGO Series 2: Quality of Care
The International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (IJGO) has published a second series of articles by the Evidence for Action (E4A) programme. The four articles in this series focus on different views and evidence on quality of care for mothers and newborns.
Improving the MNH workforce: The basis for quality care
This article examines evidence highlighting the need to improve in quality of care through a stronger healthcare workforce.
Supportive supervision to improve primary healthcare services in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review
This article from the Evidence for Action (E4A) quality of care series reviews the literature from sub-Saharan Africa on the effects of supportive supervision on quality of care and health worker motivation and performance.
Monitoring quality of care across a framework for action
This is the first article in the Evidence for Action quality of care series. The paper presents a quality of care framework and a case study of its application to measure emergency care for mothers and newborns in northern Nigeria.
Evidence for Action-MamaYe Stories of Change: Selected Case Studies
Read our collection of case studies in this illustrative book about about how we combine evidence with advocacy and accountability.
Packaging evidence to drive action
Read and download this case study on the value of communicating key messages visually.
CARMMA and African Health Stats – Accountability Made in Africa
Reactivating the Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA) from country to regional level.
WaterAid MamaYe Clean Birth, Safe Birth Infographic
View this infographic to find out the importance of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) for clean and safe birth practices.
MamaYe Infographic on Stillbirths 2015: Decision Makers Act Now
Learn about stillbirths and take action!
MamaYe WaterAid Facts and Figures 2015
Learn how water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is linked with maternal and newborn health (MNH).
MamaYe Infographic on Prematurity: Decision Makers Act Now 2014
Learn about preterm birth and take action!
MamaYe Infographic on Prematurity: Life Saving Interventions 2014
Learn about preterm birth and take action!
MamaYe Factsheet on Sepsis 2014
Read this factsheet to learn what is sepsis, how it affects mothers and newborns and what can be done to prevent it.
Using evidence to drive action: A "revolution in accountability" to implement quality care
An overview of the origins of the Evidence for Action (E4A) approach to the strategic use of evidence-based advocacy and accountability to improve maternal and newborn health outcomes in six sub-Saharan African countries.
Ebola, culture, and politics: the anthropology of an emerging disease
A handout by MamaYe drawing on the thoughts, feelings, explanations and responses among the people who experience Ebola outbreaks to support implementers in the fight against Ebola.
Evidence for Action IJGO Series
This special series focuses on the Evidence for Action (E4A) programme. The editorial outlines the context in which E4A works, describes its distinctive approach combining evidence, advocacy, and accountability, and introduces the other articles in the series.
Establishing a baseline to measure change
In this article, find out what methods are used to collect data on the E4A programme, assessing how far key decision-makers make use of MNH data and the level of political will to improve MNH outcomes.
Ensuring acceptability of service through accountability
MamaYe and Evidence for Action’s innovative approach in fostering accountability for maternal and newborn health.
MamaYe Facts & Figures on the Link between Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, and Maternal and Newborn Health
This Facts and Figures highlights the latest evidence on the link between water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and maternal and newborn health (MNH).
Association Between Water and Sanitation Environment and Maternal Mortality
Can the lack of water or sanitation facilities can be associated with maternal mortality?
Success Factors for Women’s and Children’s Health: A Country Specific Review
This background paper presents a review of data and literature of ten fast-track countries’ progress towards MDGs 4 and 5.
2013 Ibrahim Index of African Governance - summary
The 2013 Ibrahim Index of African Governance evaluates African countries’ progress with regard to a range of governance indicators.
Success Factors: Making progress on women’s and children’s health
This booklet provides examples of key actions used by 10 countries which are on track to achieve Millennium Development Goals for maternal and child health.
Breastfeeding Saves Lives!
As a mother, breastfeeding is one of the best ways to give your baby the healthiest start to life. By putting an infant to the breast within an hour of birth (a practise also known as ‘early initiation’), and thereafter maintaining this as the sole form of feeding for the infant’s first six months, a mother can ensure that important antibodies will be passed on, protecting the baby from life-threatening diseases such as diarrhoea and pneumonia.
Implementing Maternal Death Surveillance & Response
These Notes for Discussion were developed for the Asia-Pacific Leadership and Policy Dialogue in Manila, November 2012.
Common perinatal mental disorders in women - A systematic review
A review of the existing evidence on the prevalence and determinants of non-psychotic common perinatal mental disorders among women living in low- and lower-middle-income countries.