Programme material
19 Results
Tanzania Investment Case Brief Summary
Tanzania investment case summary brief was developed in close collaboration with the GFF CSOs secretariat, Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT), through a consultative process.
Mama Ye Infographic on family planning in Tanzania
Find out what the unmet need for family planning is in Tanzania.
Mama Ye Infographics on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Tanzania
Find out how Tanzania is faring on key maternal, newborn and child health indicators.
E4A-Mama Ye Factsheet on Tanzania’s Blood Services: 2017
To mark World Blood Donor Day on 14 June, 2017, E4A-Mama Ye produced this factsheet.
E4A-Mama Ye Infographic on Unmet Need for Blood in Tanzania: 2017
To mark World Blood Donor Day on 14 June 2017 E4A-Mama Ye have produced this infographic on how much blood is needed and how much is collected in Tanzania.
Mama Ye Maternal and Newborn Health Factsheet 2017: Tanzania
This Mama Ye factsheet highlights progress achieved in maternal and newborn health in Tanzania and areas that need continued efforts.
Mama Ye Infographic on Prematurity in Tanzania 2016
Find out how many babies are born too soon and how many die from preterm birth complications. Most of these deaths are preventable!
Ownership of evidence builds political will behind Tanzania's Sharpened One Plan
How Evidence for Action (E4A) Tanzania participated in the mid-term review of Tanzania’s Health Sector Strategic Plan and led the qualitative component of the review conducted by Ministry of Health staff.
The Mara Region Strategy: a cocktail of ownership, evidence, and accountability
Evidence for Action Tanzania supported the Mara Region of Tanzania to develop a new regional strategy to accelerate the reduction of maternal and newborn mortality until 2016.
Tanzania Mama Ye! Dictionary
Download this dictionary for simple definitions of maternal and newborn health terms, including signposts to relevant resources.
Mama Ye Factsheet on Sepsis in Tanzania 2014
Find out what is sepsis, how does it affect Tanzania's newborns and mothers, and what can be done.
Mama Ye Factsheet on Stillbirths in Tanzania 2014
Find out what is a stillbirth, why is it a public health crisis in Tanzania and what can be done.
Strengths and weaknesses in MPDR implementation
This article investigates the implementation of maternal and perinatal death reviews (MPDRs) in Tanzania, its role and practices at district and regional hospitals, and the involvement of health system and administration staff.
The Sharpened One Plan 2014-2015 Presentation
A presentation outlining the process of generating the National Sharpened One Plan.
Moving forward with mortality reviews and reporting in Tanzania
Overview of the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for maternal death surveillance and response and a spotlight on Tanzania.
Mama Ye Factsheet on Health Financing in Tanzania 2013
In 2001, the government of Tanzania signed the Abuja Declaration, which commits them to spending at least 15%of the total government budget on health. This factsheet reviews health financing in Tanzania in 2013, showing progress and shortcomings.
Tanzania National Blood Transfusion Service Policy Guidelines
New Blood Transfusion guidelines (2005) to ensure adequate safe blood supply needs are met.