Programme material

17 Results

District activists win hearts for the MamaYe campaign

Read and download this case study (no.13) from our illustrated collection of case studies, on Sierra Leone’s district activists that have succeeded in driving social change through peer-to-peer mobilisation.

From facility scorecards to budget advocacy

Read and download this case study about district-level engagement forums in Sierra Leone reviewing evidence and mandating action on health budgets and financing to drive change in maternal and newborn survival.

MamaYe Infographic on family planning in Sierra Leone

Find out what the unmet need for family planning is in Sierra Leone.

MamaYe Maternal and Newborn Health Factsheet 2017: Sierra Leone

This MamaYe factsheet highlights progress achieved in maternal and newborn health in Sierra Leone and areas that need continued efforts.

MamaYe Infographics on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in Sierra Leone

Find out how Sierra Leone is faring on key maternal, newborn and child health indicators.

Using evidence to strengthen accountability for health financing

This article documents lessons from a nationwide health budget advocacy election campaign in Sierra Leone driven by a network of civil society organisations.

MamaYe Infographic on Prematurity in Sierra Leone 2016

Find out how many babies are born too soon and how many die from preterm birth complications. Most of these deaths are preventable!

Sierra Leone National Rapid Assessment of Laboratory Capacity and Systems

This report presents the findings from the National Rapid Assessment of Laboratory Capacity and Systems conducted in June–July 2015 that was led by Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS). The findings provide a clear picture of the capacities and limitations of laboratories in all 14 districts in Sierra Leone.

Comparison of two approaches to monitoring quality of care in Sierra Leone

This case study compares the face-to-face Facility Improvement Team (FIT) assessment to the rapid, telephone based QuIC - FIT approach.

QuIC FIT Assessments

QuIC FIT provides a “snapshot” of facility readiness to provide emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC) using a rapid, low resource, telephone based approach.

Use of scorecards to achieve facility improvements

This Evidence for Action paper reviews the use of scorecards in improving the quality of emergency obstetric and neonatal care facilities in Sierra Leone.

Learning from young people to prevent and manage unwanted pregnancies

This research briefing addresses an urgent need to understand young people's attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and their use of related services in Sierra Leone.

What clients say about private sector reproductive health services

This research briefing presents findings from a survey of health-service clients and offers recommendations to improve quality of care.

Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of family planning

This research briefing equips health planners and health providers with data to help them adapt and target family planning services.

Sierra Leone Health Budget Tracking Scorecard 2013

This scorecard calls on the Government to increase the budget for health and ensure funds are disbursed on time to improve the health of mothers and babies.

Sierra Leone's Commitment to Abuja Target

Key facts and figures on health financing in Sierra Leone for 2013.

Sierra Leone Maternal Death Reviews 2011: A National Call to Action

Although the proportion of maternal deaths in facilities has decreased since 2009 in Sierra Leone, a key challenge that still remains is to improve the quality of care. One way to do this is through maternal death reviews.