Every day eight women die from cases of pregnancy and childbirth in Malawi (WHO, 2012).
Two babies die every hour during childbirth in the country (UNICEF, 2012).
Read our factsheet below on how MamaYe Malawi is working hard to improve maternal and newborn survival.
It is for these reasons that MamaYe Malawi joins the rest of the world today, 25th October 2016, in commemorating Global Day of Action for the Right to Health.
We believe that every woman has a right to survive childbirth, just as every newborn child has a right to a mother.
In order to achieve this feat, we call upon every individual to take part in protecting the right of our pregnant mothers:
- The right to essential drugs and equipment
- The right to a qualified and skilled health personnel
- The right to a clean environment
- The right to dignity and confidentiality
- The right to affordable and accessible health facility
MamaYe Malawi believes that if pregnant mother’s rights are respected, we could save an estimated 3000 mothers every year and two new babies every hour (WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA & The World Bank 2012).