Show your love, Donate Blood to Save a Mama na Mtoto

  • blood donation campaign bungoma kenya novemeber 2017
    Activists walk for blood donation in Bungoma County, November 2017
  • Blood donation bungoma county kenya
    Blood units allocation in Bungoma County
Today the Kenya National Blood Transfusion Service (KNBTS) launches its blood donation campaign 'Show Your Love, donate blood.'

In Bungoma, one in every two maternal deaths is due to blood loss or haemorrhage¹. Lives could be saved with better blood availability at facilities. However, this will require you, the community, and partners to work together to improve levels of blood donation. According to the Department of Health, Bungoma County needs 600 units of blood monthly but on average only 450 units are collected every month².

E4A-Mama Ye stands beside KNBTS and calls on communities and partners to work together to increase blood availability in Bungoma County. 

Giving blood is easy, safe and helps save mothers and babies! Mr. Kaggwa Muliro from Bungoma gave blood in November 2017 and urges others in the community to participate in blood donation.

  • Share your love mamaye blood donation
    Mr. Kaggwa Muliro, Blood donation Champion, Bungoma

“I gave blood to save a mama na mtoto. It’s quick, it’s easy. There is nothing to fear.”

E4A-Mama Ye is supporting Bungoma’s First Lady, Mrs Wangamati, to spearhead the Bungoma campaign around community blood donation. On 11th November 2017, H.E Caroline Wangamati launched a blood campaign organized by E4A-MamaYe in collaboration with Bungoma County Department of Health, the MANI project and the Rotary Club of Bungoma.

The First Lady has set a target of collecting at least 800 units of blood per month and is committed to raising this through organized community groups with the support of all interested parties. Together we can work together to save the lives of mothers and babies and reduce the high rates of maternal mortality in Bungoma³.


¹ Bungoma County DHIS2, MDR forms (2016)

² Bungoma County blood satellite register (2017)

³ A 2014 report by UNFPA Kenya indicated that Bungoma County is among the 15 out of 47 counties contributing 98.7 % of the total maternal deaths in the Kenya.

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