Prematurity matters - we must act now

Every year, one million babies die from preterm birth complications. Why is progress so slow?

Today we celebrate World Prematurity Day. Prematurity matters because babies born too soon are so vulnerable to death or disability. Every year, one million babies die from preterm birth complications.

Those born early in low income settings are ten times more likely to die than in high income countries.

Over the last decades, real progress has been made in reducing child mortality and some in reducing maternal mortality but newborn mortality has been the most resistant to change.

If leaders are serious about reducing the number of newborns who die in their countries they will take prematurity very seriously. One in three newborn deaths are to preterm babies. Yet the solutions are now well known and relatively low technology. Why is progress so slow?

There are simple, relatively low cost interventions which World Prematurity Day seeks to celebrate. Getting solutions in to practice will not happen overnight. Change relies on knowing the scale of the problem, having evidence-based interventions, committed leadership, trained and supported health workers, and the everyday actions of individuals and communities.

Today, many countries are planning activities, including marches, workshops, posters and other activities designed to raise public awareness. Government organisations, NGOs, foundations, medical and public health institutions, charities and families are organising these events.

Families affected by premature birth can share stories, photos, and videos, and identify their locations on an interactive world map located here>

MamaYe has produced a range of materials to celebrate World Prematurity Day and to support those dedicated making a difference. Please download and share.

  • Infographic on babies
  • Infographic on babies

What is the scale of the problem?

Download infographics on the scale of the problem... 

Life saving interventions

  • Download the infographic on interventions here>
  • Download the Facts and Figures on Preterm Birth here>

Know what part you can play

  • Download the action infographic for activists here>
  • Download the action infographic for decision-makers here>
  • Download the action infographic for fathers-to-be here>
  • Download the action infographic for health workers here>
  • Download the action infographic for mothers-to-be here> 

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