Scorecards will be used to to assess the performance of Lagos State in Health Budget, Maternal and Newborn Health, Stock out of Essential Life Saving Commodities in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Health Care Facilities, and Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response.
The Health Budget scorecard used four indicators – Transparency, Participation, Adequate Resource Allocation and Budget Release – to assess the performance of Lagos State health budget.
The Health Budget scorecard showed that on Transparency, the State Government scored fairly in areas of annual publication of the State’s account, adherence to budget timetable, public availability of budget and timely release of fund to the Ministry of Health.
The State Government scored high for inclusion of communities and civil societies in budget planning, allocation of counterpart fund for Midwives Service Scheme and timely release of budget to Health Service Commission. But the State performed low in per capita health budget, which was significantly less than a dollar per person in a year as well as capital budget release to Primary Health Care Board, and the Ministry of Health headquarters.
At the end of the dissemination, LASAM wants the Lagos State Government to
do more in the areas of allocation of adequate resources, ensure timely release of at least 70% of allocated fund and ensure more inclusion of CSOs in budget planning. We also advise the government to ensure stability in the management of the Primary Health Care Board and embrace more people as partners in progress.