Mama Ye! has created a factsheet on maternal and newborn health in Tanzania. This resource highlights the progress achieved in maternal and newborn survival as well as areas that need continued efforts by all Tanzanians. Making health facilities safe and saving the lives of mothers and babies depend on improvements in access to health services, increased spending on health and ensuring that blood and other lifesaving interventions are available.To learn more about the health of Tanzania’s mothers and babies, download the full factsheet here. Did you know that each year 8500 women in Tanzania do not survive pregnancy and childbirth? Many of these deaths can be prevented, find out what you can do and act now! One third of all Tanzanian newborn deaths happen on the first day of life. Stand up for newborns in your community and advocate to political and government leaders that all newborn deaths be counted and lessons are learned so that it does not happen again. Counting and understanding the causes of deaths are key ways to preventing them in the future. It is important to note that when a baby is born alive and does not survive, it is an indication of poor quality delivery care. Tanzania needs more blood so that clinics are safe for mothers and babies. Did you know that 80% of the blood supply goes to mothers and children? Give blood now to ensure that there is blood available when mothers and babies need it most. For this information and more on the health of Tanzania’s mothers and babies, download the full factsheet here. References for the factsheet are available to download here.
Mama Ye! has created a factsheet on maternal and newborn health in Tanzania. This resource highlights the progress achieved in maternal and newborn survival as well as areas that need continued efforts by all Tanzanians.