MamaYe treats the media as our partners to reduce deaths of our mothers and babies. MamaYe Malawi has awarded two best journalists with outstanding maternal and newborn health stories during this year’s NAMISA Gala awards held in Mangochi.
The two winners are Jaqline Nkhlema of Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) and Ntchindi Meki, former employee of Blantyre Newspapers Limited.
Speaking during the prize presentation ceremony MamaYe Malawi Country Director Mathias Chatuluka said media plays very important roles in improving survival of mothers and babies in the country.He explained,
"Media exposes the ills that our pregnant mothers are facing during their pregnancies. Media exposes challenges in our health facilities which are negatively impacting on the survival of mothers and babies in the country. As MamaYe we will continue to treat the media as our partners to reduce deaths of our mothers and babies".
The Media Institute of Sothern Africa (MISA) Malawi Chairperson Thom Khanje commended MamaYe Malawi for supporting journalists with interest in covering stories of Maternal and Newborn Health.
Khanje said the partnership between Misa Malawi and MamaYe has seen journalists producing well researched and investigative stories with traceable evidence. He explained,
We are hopeful that MamaYe will continue sponsoring the Maternal and Neonatal Category so that journalists continue to write good stories that promote survival of mothers and babies.
The winning journalists went home with the state of the art HP laptops courtesy of MamaYe Malawi.