Health Management Team improves health facility

The District Health Management Team (DHMT) in Koinadugu district has taken action in improving the Kundembaia Community Health Centre (CHC) in response to findings from the June 2016 Facility Improvement Team (FIT) scorecard.

The scorecard showed gaps in the facility’s readiness in providing basic emergency obstetric neonatal care for mothers and babies in the chiefdom 18 miles from Kabala Township.

According to District Medical Officer in the District, Dr. Francis Moses, the DHMT has been using FIT assessment results to address the gaps at  Mongo and Kundembaia health facilities.

These facilities have since seen rapid progress with support from government and partners in the district. The June 2016 FIT score card shows that Kundebaia CHC has red scores in the area of staffing and yellow scores in the area of equipment, Laboratory and Drugs. Specific gaps include: 

  • No MVE, vaginal Speculum
  • only one BP machine
  • No hematology and biochemistry tests
  • No MCHA
  • Only 1 SECHN
  • No sutures & IV metronidazol

During a recent visit,  the Options Community Engagement and Accountability Consultant,  the Koinadugu District Maternal Health Review Coordinator Sister Hannah Palmer, and the MamaYe Koinadugu Community Advocacy Group Coordinator Steven Gibrilla, identified that many actions were taken to address these gaps.

PB (blood pressure) machine , MVE, Virginal speculum, sutures and metronidazole were  available at the CHC during time of visit and in working condition. The CHC no longer has problems with water supply, as a result of OXFAM's support. 

  • health workers
    MDSR District Coordinator Sister Hannah Palmer
  • nurse
    Nurse testing water

In the area of staffing, which scored red in the last assessment, the facility now has a Community Health Officer, a Midwife, SECHN (State Certified Health Nurse),Maternal Child Health Aide, Laboratory Technician, volunteer portals and 3 Traditional Birth Attendance (TBAs). 

The CHC staff during the time of visit shared with the team that from January –March 2017 no maternal deaths were recorded at the centre. Antenatal Care visits have increased as January recorded 63, February 34 and March 48.

It is apparent that a lot has changed in the facility. However,  more needs to be done. In particular, the laboratory is currently unable to administer hematology and biochemistry tests, despite the fact that  a trained lab technician has been assigned to the facility becasue of lack of the required equipment.

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