Admiring the Possible | The Story of Hassanatu N’jai

The story of Hassanatu N’jai, a young woman who went from being a community health volunteer to a registered nurse specializing in maternal and newborn care.
Hassanatu N’jai was married at 14 so she had to drop out of school. She did not get to finish her education. She had three babies (one of which she sadly lost). It wasn’t until she joined a Community Health Club as a volunteer that her sharp mind and mental capacity were recognised and given the opportunity to grow.  Hassanatu started as part of the community health club in Dogoloya. The development team working with her noticed her vibrant personality. For any community assignments, it was Hassanatu who became the natural leader. As one member of the community recounted “What was interesting about her was that her community listened to her and respected her, so she became a great leader, really able to mobilise her community”.  Hassanatu felt her confidence build, and longed to take her learning further. So when the opportunity arose to take a nursing course in maternal and child health aid at the nursing school in Kabala, she made sure she was first in line. Hassanatu had to start from zero – relearning how to read and write. But she took on the challenge, grafted, and excelled.  Today Hassanatu has completed her course and has qualified as a maternal and child health nurse. In the next few months she will be sent to one of the PHUs in Dankawalie. With this new role comes new status. The change in domestic power dynamics could be seen as a challenge in her household - but when we asked her how her husband felt about her career, Hassanatu was very clear: “my man, he sees the benefits of it so he is supportive…..after all I have made it possible to build the new house that we are in” And her plans for the future? Hassanatu has her eyes set on home-expansion. She plans to make the finest home she can get for her and her family with her hard earned cash. And continuing, of course, to mobilise, educate, treat and care for the many young women in her community. A true MamaYe Heroine, Hassanatu we salute you!  

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